Home >Story Index> The Slate Is Wiped Clean |
A collective sigh of relief surged around Swansea today when news emerged that the court had accepted the club’s CVA arrangements. Supporter representative on the club’s management committee, Leigh Dineen said after the decision “This is truly a moment to be celebrated by all supporters.For the first time for many, many years we know exactly where the club stands and there are no “outsiders” with the power to tell us what we can and cannot do with our club.From now on it is up to us. There are many challenges to be faced and a lot of hard work to be done.That starts tomorrow.But today we celebrate.The slate is effectively wiped clean and the consortium in partnership with us, the supporters via the Trust, can at long last start the process of rebuilding our club. I’d like to acknowledge the support that has been given by so many of the local businesses and by other individuals.I believe they understand that this action was essential to enable the club to go forward. “ For more information please contact leigh.dineen@swanstrust.com For general information go to www.swanstrust.com or phone Admin Officer Debbie Rees on 0797 738 2328or the answer phone service on 01792-799082 or write to First Floor, 57, St. Helen’s Road, Swansea, SA1 4BE for a membership form and information about the “Save our Swans – Share Fund”. |
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