Mofra Contractor Named |
Miller Developments, long associated with the project, will also have a say with workers from the company beginning preperation work on the site next month ahead of the demolition of the existing stadium. Making the announcement, leader Lawrence Bailey said "We are absolutely delighted to have appointed a contractor with such a strong track record as Interserve, It is a company with a strong track record of delivering major projects such as Technium 2 on SA1 Swansea Waterfront. We are now in a position where the contractor for the commercial development will start on site in August and the stadium will begin construction in the autumn. This clearly demonstrates to the people of Swansea and Wales that the new stadium is no longer a dream but a reality." After so many false dawns it is still understandable that Swans fans will be sceptical until they actually see work beginning on the stadium. A recent poll on the web-site suggested that only 51% of Swans fans believed that the Morfa would 100% definitely be constructed. The Swans are expected to play their opening match of the 2005-2006 at the stadium – let’s hope that this date proves to be the final one? |
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