Every other side is afforded the honour of being presented with their league trophy before the season's end and, had there been no arbitration panel and the title was being decided on the pitch this weekend it would have been at Brighton.
So can we take the assumption that tomorrow we will see Garry Monk get the chance to lift the one trophy as the Swans fans try and strain their eyes to make sure they can see it from the away end. Anything less than that and the football league will fall down another notch over their handling of the whole situation regards Leeds United and the end of the League One season.
Justice was done yesterday with no return of the 15 points – an admission that the league were right to deduct the points from Leeds – although I'm not quite sure how Ken Bates believes that they were the only winners yesterday. It's like claiming Fiorentina were the only winners of the UEFA Cup semi final yesterday. Message for Ken – a win is when you get the points back, when you get none back then technically, by any stretch of the imagination, its a loss.
But finally we can put that to bed and know that Swansea are the true champions of League One. It is where the League One trophy will rest this season and it is what the history books will always show. The best team in the division, the clear winners of the divisional title, the Champions. And deservedly so.
And the only thing that can round that off tomorrow is to see Garry Monk and his team mates parading the League One trophy in front of their supporters and finally we can get the celebration that this excellent side deserves.
All Champions deserve that chance.