* There are 1,450 pre-case concrete piles in the ground
* If you laid out all the piles end to end they would stretch for 13 miles
* There is approximately 150 tonnes of reinforcement in the foundations
* Within the building and foundations there are more than 4,800 cubic metres of concrete
* 24,000 cubic metres of material has been excavated from the site
* There is over 18,000 cubic metres of imported fill on site
* The surface area beneath the stadium is a massive 26,662 metres squared or 6.5 acres
* The upper floors and roof structure are supported by 2,500 tonnes of structural steelwork which is equal to the weight of 300 average sized African Elephants
* There are approximately 2,500 holding down bolts fixing 460 steel columns
* The overall area of blockwork forming the internal and external walls amounts to 27,500 metres squared or 300,000 blocks
* There are over 420 doors throughout the stadium
* There are 26 sets of stairs
* There are 12 lifts
* There are 30 number turnstiles
* There are 250 WCs
* There are 200 wash hand basins
* There are 5,000 light fittings
* There will be over 10,000 trees and shrubs in the landscaped areas
* The pitch contains 10.1 million metres ‘Desso’ nylon inserts
* There is 1 tannoy system (not working)
OK, we made the last one up but the rest were taken from the programme of the opening day