Club Talks – Part VII

Wednesday, 25 June 2003, 0:00
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We talked to Swans director Dave Morgan who provided us with details of their responses to posts made – here is the full questions and answers if you like
JACKFOREVERPosted on 17/6 0:02

Back to the subject of International tickets. Sorry David but I can’t understand the FAW response, "most are sold by phone". Why is it then that Garden Village get hundreds of tickets for each game. In my opinion the FAW have got their ticketing all wrong and it seems there is a Cardiff bias. Why not reward real football fans in Wales who support welsh club sides on a weekly basis rather than rewarding anybody who has accsess to the internet. From the clubs point of view, if we did have a supply of tickets made available to season ticket holders, it would only help to give an another incentive to buy a season ticket. Have to agree too with an earlier post that mentions reducing beer prices prior to kick off. We’d all rather see the club make money rather than the landlords of the sandfields or the chain pubs of the city centre. Just a quick thank you to end, for all the good work everyone at the club is doing, lets hope we can go on to bigger and better times in the not too distant future.

bridgendjackPosted on 17/6 8:21

Fully agree with your sentiments-I work in an office near Cardiff and the guy who buys tickets for us from the FAW gets something like thirty/forty tickets a game-The people who buy the tickets are primarily non footy fans, they haven’t attended a live league game ever It seems unfair but there we are – that’s life innit! It would be nice to see all footy clubs in Wales get a reasonable representation. They (FAW) have got it all wrong again-Just when people were starting too feel optimistic about Welsh Football1

Ian442Posted on 17/6 21:47

I can only give my side of the story.Back in ’93,Wales ended up with their last three World Cup qualifying games for U.S.A.’94 all at home.If memory serves we had to play Cyprus, the Czech/Slovak Republic and, of course,Rumania.The F.A.W. brought out a scheme whereby if you bought tickets for the three games in advance,incidentaly at a discounted price,you were obviously guaranteed your entry for the potential crunch game V the Rumanians.As we know,this was how it turned out.Anyway, ever since taking up the offer back in ’93,I have received priority ticket application forms from the F.A.W.,even for games played at Anfield.This offer was open to anybody and certainly not only confined to those that lived in our esteemed capital.I realise this is of no help to those who have just started to watch international football, but are the F.A.W. just rewarding there more loyal supporters? Where I think they have got it drastically wrong is in the number of tickets being offered to those on their database.I could have bought twenty tickets for each of the two remaining home matches in Wales Euro group.This is mad,and the only ones winning will be the ticket tout’s.

Dave Morgan: I have phoned last week the person in charge of ticketing at the WFA. He confirms that us, Cardiff and Wrexham do not receive tickets to sell to the public. They are happy with the phone booking system and say that everyone has the same chance. Any group (i.e. Garden Village) can request to book tickets for matches but these must be paid for in advance and returns are not allowed. We have asked if we can sell tickets in future but there are no plans for any of the three league clubs to do it.
jackarmy2Posted on 17/6 8:43
Customer Database

Hi Dave, Does the club have a database of all customers/supporters. Im sure there is some sort of system otherwise I would not have had my season ticket renewel letter. The database could hold a list of all customers/ supporters although it would not be cumpulsory to be on it. It would take time to build up but a comprehensive list of addressess/email addresses could be built up. This would be useful for big games or big events to let people kow in advance. This could be beneficial for big events e.g. The first game at the morfa. I would imagine lots of people have e-mail addresses these days so that may save money on stamps. I cant see any disadvantage in having this information. Databases are cheap to both set up and maintain.

Dave Morgan: We do have a database of season ticket holders past and present. We asked questions on season ticket application forms such as e-mail addresses. Unfortunately, most fans either don’t fill out forms fully or just call into the ship and buy over the counter with no form. Although we then have postal address. The shop is busy and there is no time or room to ask fans to fill out forms before they buy ticket. That is why forms were posted out.
MattParryPosted on 17/6 9:58
Players…write to Brain?

In response to Mr Morgan’s response to Recco concerning players he says "write to Bryan at the club"….how do we do this?

Dave Morgan: Best question so far!! I know you mean can you e-mail Brian. The answer is write to him c/o Swansea City, Vetch Field, Swansea, SA1 3SU. Do not expect though to enter into a dialogue with him – he is quite a busy man! You can however put your thoughts on paper in the knowledge that he will read it.
dionisioPosted on 18/6 14:20
Shirt Sponsorship

I read recently that due to a number of problems experienced by Man City, they will have a different shirt sponsor for their home + away kits. I am not in a position to know whether it would be more trouble than it’s worth, but could the club consider a sponsorship scheme whereby there are seperate deals for home + away kits? With maybe a local sponsor (such as Eve Post) for the home kit (linked up with home matchday hospitality etc) and the away shirt sponsorship going to a company with more national ambitions (Travel House, or our old sponsors Gulf etc)? I remember Cardiff having a seperate sponsor for the FAW Premier Cup games recently. As I say, it may not be practical, but any schemes which get more companies involved with the club will help. Keep up the good work!

Dave Morgan: This is an idea which is already being explored by the club. Our shirts for FAW matches did used to be sponsored by Richard Keen Insurance Brokers. We are constantly looking at ideas to maximise the club’s potential/
swancjackboyPosted on 18/6 17:23
vetch sponsership

Why dont we get someone to sponsor the vetch? It could be called the "Coca-Cola" Vetch Field or something. It would make more money and most people would still call it the vetch anyway

Dave Morgan: This is an idea which is being looked into regarding Morfa. If you know a firm that would like to be sponsor then please let us know. We are looking at ideas at the moment to have parts of the Vetch sponsored (e.g. The stand)
One thing that I would like to point out about Morfa is that it is a stadium that will be shared by both football & rugby. The ideas I have read about naming stands after famous past Swans players is not going to happen because stadium is not only for our use. How would you feel if the rugby club wanted you to sit in the Mervyn Davies stand? The name of the ground will also not be The New Vetch for the same reason.
PSumblerPosted on 18/6 21:36
From Gareth Phillips

Response to Dave Morgan

Obviously it is for the club to assess how worthwhile any link up is. However, I would suggest that contact with SV Waldorf Mannheim might be useful for the following reasons.

As Baden-Wuttemburg is Wales partner European region, and Mannheim is Swansea’s twin city there may well be assistance with funding of links. I suspect this funding may be more easily available where there are established city/area links. If we can get the city/welsh assembly/euopean funding for an exchange project it is surely better than paying the entire cost.

As to the type of scheme to be financed, I would have thought one worthwhile exercise in having links with European teams would be for young players to go on exchange schemes, and be coached and learn something of different football cultures. To learn a little of Dutch and German technique and tactics would surely benefit any young player. The market to get young players to sign for a club is obviously very competitive. As we probably cant outbid larger clubs financially we need to look at other ways to make joining Swansea City as a trainee more attractive. If we are able to offer "extras" such as experience in Holland and Germany, it may make a difference. It is certainly the trend in many walks in life eg it is a major selling point for universities trying to attract the best students, or firms trying to attract the best candidates as trainees. As we are not the richest club in the world we surely have to look to other ways of "adding value" to our traineeship. If we can do it at minimal cost, possibly with subsidy, we can be one step ahead of the game.

Off the field, the Germans theoretically have to be financially efficient due to their professional licensing scheme. There may be something to be learned from their business organisation – very simply, until it is seen we will never know whether there are good ideas to be gleaned.

These are examples. Others may become apparent if a link is set up. I would suggest that it is not unusual in most modern businesses to benchmark against and take the best ideas of similar organisations in other countries. If we never ask the question we will never know.

If the route/funding for the link is there it seems a shame not to look into it. In this particular instance I suspect you may find the Germans to be keen. I have personal experience of a link in another context with Stuttgart. The enthusiasm of the Germans for the project was educative.

Dave Morgan: Everything must come down to finance. I am quite happy for us as a club to write to the clubs in Cork and Manheim to introduce ourselves to them. We will see where it leads from there. As you seem to have some knowledge do you have details on how to contact them etc?
PSumblerPosted on 22/6 9:14
From One Of The Fanbase

Just picked this up from one of the new Fanbases and thought the thought should be posed "Old simple black swan badge with simple Swansea City AFC/CPD Dinas Abertawe written above/below is. Good that we’ve gone back to black/white kit and this would be the next step"

Dave Morgan: This is certainly something that we can look at next time we are looking at changes in design.
IAN05Posted on 22/6 18:02

As we approach the new season, what plans are in place to attract a huge crowd for the first few games of season, in order to boost finances, get behind the team, and to promote loyalty to the Brand which is SCFC?? How about launching Swans Fever, get the local media to hammer the message out to the public, give out leaflets advertising the first few games in the City, send Cyril to the local play schemes, put posters up in pubs, shops etc. Let’s get everyone talking about the Swans this season, so that interest reaches fever pitch. I will even pitch my name in to help out!!

Dave Morgan: There are plans afoot. However, there is no better way to attract people than to build a club that we can all (fans, city and region) can be proud of.
PT_JackPosted on 23/6 17:11

No real subject to this, but I had to forward my thanks towards the board and the management for the ambition they have shown recently, especially compounded by the signing of Martinez. Its about time that this club had a bit more stability and some ambition to move forward, and I’m sure that with the current team (of management, board, players-current and future) we’ll do well this year and in the years to come. Thanks all, Matt

Dave Morgan. Thanks for your comments. We are working hard to build a club that will be successful on the pitch and also financially.
Ian442Posted on 23/6 21:05
Congratulations (again)

Congratulations, again, to the management, board,girls in the shop,Eddie the groundsman and anyone else who knows me,regarding the signing of Roberto Martinez.We now have the two best midfield players in the division.As for Roberto himself,welcome back and welcome home.I can’t wait for the season to start.

Dave Morgan: Gracias!
jack_gazzaPosted on 24/6 11:37
Jason Price

Where has he gone does anyone know? I would have loved to seen him back at the vetch.

Dave Morgan: Last I heard he was joining Hull?
thiswanPosted on 24/6 13:12
I’d like to buy a season ticket again but….

I prefer to go on the North Bank with my mates but sometimes would like to sit in the stand if for example my young daughter wanted to come or I was suffering ill health. It’s a pity that a NB season ticket holder can’t pay extra for an upgrade for a seat (Not for sell out games I understand). Has anyone else asked for this? would upgrade facilities be worthwhile for the club? Also I am out of work at the moment is it possible to get discounted season tickets using Passport to leisure? I thank you.

Dave Morgan: It would cause too many problems at present. It may be possible when we move to Morfa due to new computerisation. Myra has moved fans in the past where deemed necessary (i.e. when they are on crutches etc) As previously stated there are no passport to leisure season tickets as circumstances may change during the season. There is a pay on the day discount for passport to leisure on the North Bank.
monkeyjackPosted on 24/6 21:01
To the board

Just like to say thanks for all the hard work you have put in particualy Hugh Jenkings and David Morgan in securing the services of Roberto Martinez. I am so proud to have people who care about this club so much and WILL take it forward to where it should be. Onwards and upwards !!! P.S – Dave: Mrs Patell and her family want me to ask you if they get special discount on there season tickets

Dave Morgan: Thanks – as a board of directors we want the same for the club as you do. Nice to read that Mrs Patel & Co are still around!!
As a side issue to these questions, I would also like to remind all fans that we are three local people (myself, Huw and Leigh) who are also fans of this club. We all have our own business/jobs and work voluntarily at the Vetch. Brian Katzen does not live here. We want the same things that all the rest of you do. There are not 30 hours in a day so we can only spend so much time working for the club. We are working to a budget so we can’t do everything that we or others would want us to. We need to walk before we can run. If we get the crowds every week that we saw at the end of last season and can get local businesses to understand how important club is to the city and region. We can all have a club that will grow. We all have our part to play in making this club a success again.

If you have a question for your club, then please post it on this Message Board – they will be responded to!


Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V
Part VI

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