Planet Swans Archives

Swans Defend Decision

Swans: Decision Was Flynn’s Alone It is understood that the club have sent a letter of apology to Bath City for the late withdrawal from the fixture and have given assurances that every angle was explored to get the game on. The club’s official web-site explained the decision yesterday was…
Tuesday, 22 July 2003, 0:00

BJB Day 60

Home > Story Index >Day 60 In The Big Jack Brother House 21.07.03 – 9.00am – The housemates are awoken by an alarm call from Big Jack Brother. They are all asked to go into the garden where BJB will give them details of a surprise that they will receive…
Tuesday, 22 July 2003, 0:00

Swans Fans Anger

Swans Fans Anger As Game Called Off Brian Flynn made the decision to call of tonight’s game at around five hours notice with the reason being believed that we had no fit goalkeeper to take his place between the sticks. With first choice Roger Freestone suffering from a severe dead…
Monday, 21 July 2003, 0:00

Poll Results – 21st July

Poll Results – 21st July 2003 We asked you "This summer your faith in the manager has……?" Poll Date: 15 July 2003 There were 261 votes What are your thoughts? Share them on the Message Board Can’t Get To Your PC?? You can Phone or Fax on 0709 230…
Monday, 21 July 2003, 0:00

BJB Day 59

Home > Story Index >Day 59 In The Big Jack Brother House 20.07.03 – 9.11am – The housemates are all up and enjoying a breakfast of scrambled eggs on toast prepared by Jason. It actually started out as fried eggs on toast but went slightly wrong and of course the…
Monday, 21 July 2003, 0:00

BJB Day 58

Home > Story Index >Day 58 In The Big Jack Brother House 19.07.03 – 10.17am – The morning after the 8th eviction from the house and the four remaining housemates are up and practising their version of American Pie for the afternoon. They have finished most of the words and…
Sunday, 20 July 2003, 0:00

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