Planet Swans Archives

BJB Day 57

Home > Story Index >Day 57 In The Big Jack Brother House 18.07.03. – 10.39am – Day 57 in the BJB House and the morning of the eighth eviction from the house. At the end of today, one of the five housemates will be leaving the house leaving just four…
Saturday, 19 July 2003, 0:00

Port Talbot 0 Swansea 6

Port Talbot 0 Swansea City 6 Brian Flynn fielded two different teams in this match although neither gave us an indication of the starting line-up against Bury on August 9. Several people expected to feature in that opening line-up showed in each half but it was Lee Trundle and Andy…
Friday, 18 July 2003, 0:00

Port Talbot Pictures

Port Talbot 0 Swans 6 – Match Pictures Please click the thumbnail for the full picture What are your thoughts? Share them on the Message Board Can’t Get To Your PC?? You can Text on 07734 661632 Call costs are 32 p per minute peak time, 22p per minute…
Friday, 18 July 2003, 0:00

BJB Day 56

Home > Story Index >Day 56 In The Big Jack Brother House 17.07.03 – 9.14am – The day before the eviction is announced and the housemates are discussing which one of them will not last into the final week. Leigh is convinced that he is going this week as all…
Friday, 18 July 2003, 0:00

Port Talbot Game

Swans Return To Action Brian Flynn has promised to field a full strength side against their near neighbours and a decent Swans following is expected to see the Swans parade their summer signings. With Lee Trundle playing his first game in a Swansea shirt and the likes of Roberto Martinez…
Thursday, 17 July 2003, 0:00

BJB Day 55

Home > Story Index >Day 55 In The Big Jack Brother House 16.07.03 – 8.17am – The housemates are woken by a request for Leon Britton to head to the diary room. Today is his day to choose the activity for the housemates to partake in for the day. Leon…
Thursday, 17 July 2003, 0:00

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