Planet Swans Archives

Oldham’s Appeal

An Appeal From Oldham Athletic Oldham Athletic, 108 years old is in imminent danger of going out of business. NOW, not next week, or the week after but within the next couple of days. Administration is not an option for Latics as in the case of a lot of clubs.…
Thursday, 26 June 2003, 0:00

Join The Message Board

Join In The Message Board Fun One of the features that makes what it is, is the Message Board. The Jack Pack as it is known is the busiest instant messaging board on Swansea on the internet. The Jack Pack allows Swansea fans from all over the world to…
Thursday, 26 June 2003, 0:00

BJB Day 34

Home > Story Index >Day 34 In The Big Jack Brother House 25.06.03 – 8.14am – All of the housemates are up treating Jason Smith who has strained his nostrils with his overnight snoring. Three cotton wool buds and four tubes of Savlon later and all appears to be healed.…
Thursday, 26 June 2003, 0:00

Decisions To Be Made

Decision Time For Swansea Targets The time has come for Swansea targets Chris Llewellyn and Lee Trundle to make up their mind on where they will be playing their football next season. Linked for several weeks now, both players have been approached and talked to Swans manager Brian Flynn and…
Thursday, 26 June 2003, 0:00

Carling Cup Draw

Carling Cup Draw Swansea have been drawn away to Bristol City in the opening round of the Carling Cup after the draw was made today. The new name for the Worthington Cup was unveiled yesterday and today’s draw is probably about as good as it could get for the Swans…
Wednesday, 25 June 2003, 0:00

BJB Day 33

Home > Story Index >Day 33 In The Big Jack Brother House 24.06.03 – 7.12am – Peter Owen, James Thomas and Steve Watkin are the only housemates up. They are checking the supplies left in the BJB first aid kit for the task. Jason Smith is getting through this quite…
Wednesday, 25 June 2003, 0:00