Planet Swans Archives

They Look Like Who…?

Home >Story Index> Thet Bloke Reminds Me Of Who…….? A year or so ago, we bought you a few Swans lookalikes at the height of the Petty era. Well, it’s back and now apart from just picking on some people, anyone at Swansea who you believe looks like someone or…
Friday, 9 May 2003, 0:00

They Look Like Who…..?

Home >Story Index> Thet Bloke Reminds Me Of Who…….? A year or so ago, we bought you a few Swans lookalikes at the height of the Petty era. Well, it’s back and now apart from just picking on some people, anyone at Swansea who you believe looks like someone or…
Friday, 9 May 2003, 0:00

They Remind Me Of Who….

Home >Story Index> Thet Bloke Reminds Me Of Who…….? A year or so ago, we bought you a few Swans lookalikes at the height of the Petty era. Well, it’s back and now apart from just picking on some people, anyone at Swansea who you believe looks like someone or…
Friday, 9 May 2003, 0:00

Reminds Me Of…..

Home >Story Index> That Bloke Reminds Me Of Who……..? Every wondered who your favourite (and not so favourite) Swans players remind you of? Well here is your chance to find out. Simply click the link and see who we think the doppleganger is. Why stop at Swansea players – Cardiff’s…
Friday, 9 May 2003, 0:00

Nell Is A Closet Jack…

Home > Story Index >I’m A Celebrity………And A Jack!! Number 11 – Nell McAndrew If you know a celebrity that you would like to see "Swansified" then e-mail a photo of them to us and we will do the rest I’m A Celebrity……And A Jack – Index You can comment…
Friday, 9 May 2003, 0:00

Chelsea Pictures

Home > Story Index >Roger’s Testimonial Pictures Please click on the thumbnail for the full version Would you like to submit your story or become a regular columnist on If so, contact us here Links: This Season / Roger’s Testimonial Details / The Jack Pack Message Board /…
Friday, 9 May 2003, 0:00

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