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Natalia Grace


Tommy Hutchison
Jun 28, 2020
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Anyone read anything about this unfortunate girl.

Born with physical problems in Ukraine, dwarfism (SDC). Her mother reluctantly gave her up to an orphanage on the hospitals recommendation because she would need extensive medical care that the mother would be unable to provide.

She ended up in the US, adopted by one family who gave her up one year and then taken in by another family where the mum and dad were terrible to her.

It appears once they found out how much medical attention she needed, which would cost money and hinder their plans to move to Canada, they wanted rid of her, and they did this in the most heinous way possible. They somehow conned a local judge to change her legal age from 9 (NINE) to 22!!! They came up with all sorts of outlandish stories about how she tried to kill them. No coincidence I'm sure that the Movie Orphan, with a similar story line was released just a year before.

Once her age was changed they dumped her in an apartment, totally unsuitable for a grown person in her condition, let alone a child and left the Country. Totally abandoned her.

They have also well publicized their story and I can't believe how many people on line still believe their nonsense. Daily Mail leading the way in UK and saw the father interviewed by Phil and Holly, seeing their grim faces talking about the child, and she was a child as if she was a monster, when the monster was the one they were talking to.

The US State, Indiana, won't allow her to be re-aged back to her real age, the local prosecutors tried to prosecute the parents for abandonment of a minor, but the courts didn't allow them to even mention that she was a child. The dad got off scot free, so they abandoned the mums trial.

In the course of their investigations, they found her real mum, who confirmed her date of birth, they found all the records of the birth at the hospital where she was born, they talked to staff who remembered a dwarf girl being born there at that time. They also found numerous records from US doctors where the parents had them age the girl with various methods, EVERY SINGLE ONE aged her as a child in the right age group.

These were never shown in court, the parents were basically doctor shopping, the judge never even saw the girl, he went on lies from the parents and a letter from the dads doctor saying she must be older, that doctor never examined the girl, he also didn't have the qualifications or experience to do the correct tests. His letter was based on what the parents told him!

I just found this thought provoking and quite honestly disgusting that this could be done to a little girl, with obvious emotional and psychological trauma damage.
karnataka said:
Absolutely shocking story. Where is she now and what are her current circumstances? 😲

She'd be about 20 now, although her legal age is 34.

They put her in one apartment but was moved after a year after complaints from the neighbours about her weird behaviour, they thought she was 22 which was her legal age. The weird behavious could easily be explained when you consider she was an abandoned 9 year old suffering from trauma and the results of abuse.

They moved her to a very unsavoury part of town, her mother was reported to have said put with white trash, there would be no complaints from there. A married couple who fostered children in that white trash area, the husband was a black minister by the way, saw through the conspiracy straight away and took her in. They even tried to reverse the age thing but they waited too long and the courts refused to even look at the case.

She's been with them ever since and funnily enough did none of the evil things the first family accused her of.
This woman breaks it down well. So many bad players its unbelievable.


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