Most visitors online was 2766 , on 14 Oct 24
Jackfath said:People wanting it to rain are mouth breathers.
Jackfath said:People wanting it to rain are mouth breathers.
Jackfath said:It's summer. It should be dry. Instead of moaning about needing rain on here, complain to Dwr Cymru about the leaks they have all over their network and why they're not patching them up.
legoman said:
Jackfath said:It's summer. It should be dry. Instead of moaning about needing rain on here, complain to Dwr Cymru about the leaks they have all over their network and why they're not patching them up.
Not defending the water companies, but listening to LBC today, it seems as water usage increases in hot weather the pressure in the pipes increases which causes the leaks, and there's no easy way of predicting where these might happen. Also as the ground dries and shrinks the movement can cause pipes to fracture. If leaks were just being left for weeks on end that clearly would be unacceptable.
Apparently the government has charged the water companies with fixing leaks but their targets are based on the number of fixes rather than allowing the companies to fix a smaller number of higher volume leaks.
Darran said:All the fat sweaty c*nts can stop complaining it’s too warm now.
cmajack said:Darran said:All the fat sweaty c*nts can stop complaining it’s too warm now.
The gardens need it I've been informed. The gardens will be under water in a couple of months time. And to all those whinging about the weather, wait till your energy bills drop on the mat in January or February, you will be praying for the beautiful sunshine we have had over the last few weeks.
Jackfath said:
Who'd have thought it eh? No forward planning, a lack of investment, just cream off the profits. We are absolute mugs in this country.