The referee for Saturday’s game is Jonathan Moss from West Yorkshire. This is his third season as a Football League referee, he will take charge of his 4th Swans match, the previous 3 also being away from home.
Jonathan Moss averages nearly 3 yellow cards per game and has issued 6 reds so far this season, he was in charge of the away game with Barnsley in 2006 – he sent off Kristian O’Leary in that match.
Stats so far this season:
31 Games,
91 Yellows,
6 Reds.
Games refereed vs Swansea:
Vs Barnsley (away) 05/06 Drew 2-2
Vs Peterborough (away – FLT) 06/07 Lost 1-0
Vs Darlington (away – FA) 06/07 Won 3-1