JACKARMY.NET FANBASE DETAILS NAME: Andrew Vaughan LOCATION: Swansea E-MAIL ADDRESS: AGE: 39 JOB: SWANS FAN? Yes IF NOT, WHO SUPPORTED: HOW LONG A FAN OF CLUB: All My Life FIRST GAME: Bolton 1975 (I think) BEST MOMENT: Promotion at Preston & The 1st Division WORST MOMENT: Losing in the play…
JACKARMY.NET FANBASE DETAILS NAME: 3swan LOCATION: Coventry E-MAIL ADDRESS: clive@hughescgd.freeserve.co.uk AGE: 50 JOB: Data Manager – Car Industry SWANS FAN? Yes IF NOT, WHO SUPPORTED: HOW LONG A FAN OF CLUB: 45 FIRST GAME: Brighton Home Dec 61 – 3-0 BEST MOMENT: Preston – unbelievable WORST MOMENT: Going out of…
JACKARMY.NET FANBASE DETAILS NAME: Lloyd Griffiths LOCATION: Baglan, Port Talbot E-MAIL ADDRESS: lloyd_stereophonics@msn.com AGE: 14 JOB: SWANS FAN? Yes IF NOT, WHO SUPPORTED: HOW LONG A FAN OF CLUB: 3 Years FIRST GAME: Swansea 4-2 Exeter BEST MOMENT: Swans 4-0 QPR. Thomas puts us up at home to Wolves with…
JACKARMY.NET FANBASE DETAILS NAME: Laura LOCATION: Port Talbot E-MAIL ADDRESS: cyril_2k3@hotmail.com AGE: 15 JOB: Nuffin SWANS FAN? Yes IF NOT, WHO SUPPORTED: HOW LONG A FAN OF CLUB: Since I knew What Football Was FIRST GAME: 92/93 Season Don’t Know Which BEST MOMENT: Watching the pen hit the back of…
JACKARMY.NET FANBASE DETAILS NAME: Matt LOCATION: Swansea E-MAIL ADDRESS: wjy_71@hotmail.com AGE: 15 JOB: Student SWANS FAN? Yes IF NOT, WHO SUPPORTED: HOW LONG A FAN OF CLUB: 9 Years FIRST GAME: Can’t Remember BEST MOMENT: Beating Cardiff WORST MOMENT: The cheating Ref against Northampton at Wembley JACKARMY.NET MEMBER? No HOW…
Home >Story Index> Shrewsbury 0 Swansea 0 Report By Clive, Gareth and David Hughes On a very warm spring day they came from far and wide to sleepy Shropshire, as all roads led to Gay Meadow, for just short of 2,000 travelling Swans. Another pressure game that will decide our…