Planet Swans Archives

Roger’s Biography

“Another Day At The Office” – The Roger Freestone Biography by Keith Haynes and Phil Sumbler Available October 2001 (Apologies For The Poor Quality Of The Cover Shots) Association Football In The United Kingdom has seen many changes over the last ten years. Players like Roger Freestone are fast becoming…
Wednesday, 29 August 2001, 0:00

Tyson In On Loan

Tyson has made a couple of substitute appearances for the Royals this season but has found his first team opportunities limited by the strike force of Jamie Cureton and Martin Butler, who were the most prolific pairing in the second division last season. The Rivals Reading site, offateleven rates Tyson…
Wednesday, 29 August 2001, 0:00

Supporter’s Trust Launch

Swansea City Supporter’s Trust is up and running after the launch meeting at the Patti Pavilion in Swansea. Around 300 people made their way down to the meeting, the large majority still talking about how we managed to throw away a two goal advantage against Cheltenham. From a point of…
Tuesday, 28 August 2001, 0:00

Poll Results – 28 August

WE ASKED: WHO WILL BE SWANSEA’S LEADING SCORER THIS SEASON? THESE ARE THE RESULTS POLL DATE: 20th August 2001 Message Board Latest Postings Subject Author Date Question Of The Week The 2001/2002 Season on New Jack City Message Board Division Three Table Submit An Article Going Away? JACKARMY.NET…
Tuesday, 28 August 2001, 0:00

Secret Diary – 20-26 Aug

Monday 20 August A couple of interviews with the press today. They asked why we had drawn 0-0 with Oxford last Saturday. Easy I told them we didn’t score any goals. These people from the press are a bit thick at times. I have told them that we need to…
Tuesday, 28 August 2001, 0:00

Club Back The Trust?

Now we know a few things that went on last week regards the presence of players at the meeting and the reason why it was stopped. The basic facts are that two members of the steering group had made contact with Alan Curtis and he was prepared to back the…
Tuesday, 28 August 2001, 0:00

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