Planet Swans Archives

Poll Results – 1st August

WE ASKED: WHERE WILL WE FINISH NEXT SEASON? THESE ARE THE RESULTS POLL DATE: 24th July 2001 The 2001/2002 Season on New Jack City Message Board Division Three Table Falling On Deaf Ears Going Away? JACKARMY.NET – SWANSEA CITY FOR THE FANS BY THE FANS…
Wednesday, 1 August 2001, 0:00

Swans 1-1 Bury

Was I right? Well read on and draw your own conclusions. One thing that was very evident from a small tour around the pubs surrounding the vetch last night was the lack of familiar faces. I arrived at the Builders at around half six to find it nearly empty with…
Wednesday, 1 August 2001, 0:00

An Open Challenge

The second meeting of shareholders is due to take place on the eve of the new season and Lewis told the Evening Post "Hopefully by that time we will be able to announce the investors’ names if they are willing to be known." Is that another way of saying "I…
Tuesday, 31 July 2001, 0:00

Trust Public Meeting

The Swansea City Supporters Trust is ready to take it’s next step with a public meeting on August Bank Holiday Monday at 5.30pm. (straight after the Cheltenham Game at the Vetch) Kevin Johns, from Swansea Sound will be fronting the meeting and it is expected that players past and present…
Tuesday, 31 July 2001, 0:00

Arranz Released

It is also quite ironic that this time last week we had Mike Lewis slating Rotherham for the way they had treated Stuart Roberts and now we have the boot on the other foot. We keep someone on trial for a few weeks, request international clearance and then send him…
Monday, 30 July 2001, 0:00

Secret Diary – 23-30 Jul

Monday July 23 Off to Newport today for another of those premenstrual games. We lost the game 2-1 but it doesn’t matter as we could have won 4-0 had we scored 3 more and they didn’t score at all. Bought myself a phrase book before the game "Teach yourself sense…
Monday, 30 July 2001, 0:00

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