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Be carful what u wish for

Jack the lad

North Banker
Jul 23, 2023
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Is the saying,and it's proven right
Many slating Martin last 2 years and wanted him gone
Well look were we are now
The weighting was on the wall 2 weeks back foe me,when duff said he didn't look at the cardiff game as important and would gladly lose if it ment promotion
What a stupid thing to say
Martin took us top 10 paying pssing football and had shape and passion
This guy is clueless
Personally I welcomed Cooper going, I also welcomed Martin going and look forward, at the moment, to Duff going the same way.
As the saying goes "when you hit rock bottom the only way is up"
We’ve been in slow but steady decline since the day of the sellout.
Swanjaxs said:
Personally I welcomed Cooper going, I also welcomed Martin going and look forward, at the moment, to Duff going the same way.
As the saying goes "when you hit rock bottom the only way is up"

Looking at things now, what would you say rock bottom will be?
MajorR said:
Looking at things now, what would you say rock bottom will be?

I'd like to think League 1 then rebuild.

Lots of twists and turns to come this season, but you have to admit MajorR it's not looking good...
We can't look back, they found Potter/Cooper/Martin of which all had faults ( tho personally I think 2 more years of Potter wed have gone up).
They've royally fckd this appointment up, but there is another international break looming, there has to someone else in by then.
Martin papered over the cracks with possession football but the warning signs were still there with the losing streak last season and the multiple injury time capitulations.
scfc1912 said:
Martin papered over the cracks with possession football but the warning signs were still there with the losing streak last season and the multiple injury time capitulations.

What baffles me tho… is thinking of what RM may have been able to achieve with Duff’s backing.

We ended 3 pts off play offs… we’d easily have achieved that if we had bought a RWB like Key in the January transfer window.
This issue is the owners, they have no footballing understanding and have just mistake after mistake with no real convictions coming from them.

Potter was brought in by Potter to restyle the club after relegation and within weeks the owners backtracked on promises and it lasted a year and he was picked up by a bigger club.

Cooper was the real disappointment as we had a squad capable of promotion but we played a style to not lose rather than to win, the latter a style that Brentford adopted to pip us to the Premier league, a style if we had adopted that would have made that final and even the season itself far more interesting.
He wanted more money to get a striker that ultimately he had in Gykores but wasn't able to see his potential.
Cooper went as he wanted more backing and the board were not prepared to do this.

Martin came in, a squad that was ripped apart and changes afoot. He put in his plans and a poor season came, it wasn't a suprise to many but a seed that we were better than we were had been put in.....mainly down to anger from fellow fans who took it to personal with others calls for Cooper to go.
Second season, a poor start was then brought round and came to a stop for the WC. In returning from the WC a battle had pursued with the board and Martin, Martin was looking for a new contract and things became sour that ultimately let to a disastrous January window. The team pulled things around and fell short. Martin was left upset from broken promises and no further progression with a new contract but the board had made up their mind that a new man to tweak it would see it go in the right direction.
Martin left after the boards failure in January and in offering him a new contract.

Now for the funny bit, a little tweak here and there.......we appoint Paul Watson, a guy who has absolute zero background in our style and ethos, one who has the gold dust to put on top of a team that done so well towards the end of the previous season but had lost Manning and we're going to lose Piroe and Ntcham.
The appointment of Duff, a man who plays pragmatic results based football, totally opposite to our style but he gets results........surely the players will go from one extreme to another and Duff will carry on from where he left off at Barnsley.
Our window was OK, enough to get us solid mid table but the fans who see football on paper see us as a top 6 team as they did the previous 2 seasons 😂
It's gone bad under Duff, worse than many would have thought giving our signings were decent.

Losing Piroe, replaced by Yates and/or Mykolo

Cundle going to be replaced by Patino

Manning going to be replaced by Tymon(who as it goes I think will turn out OK).

Ntcham gone to be replaced by Patino(but wait, he replaced Cundle) a player totally opposite in style to Ntcham.....but he can okay there we are told but quite clearly seeing him hit the grass and player then as neat a player he is, he is not that player who will chip in with 8/10 goals from midfield.

Clusterfook after Clusterfook from our board.......yanks with little football knowledge with no idea of the ethos of Swansea City.

Coventry City v Swansea City

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