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'Grooming Gangs' - Survivor interview


Youth Team Apprentice
Jun 27, 2020
Reaction score

Some people get angry about a statue, some people were spitting about Dominic Cummings taking his family for a drive, for some a violent man armed with a knife being roughed up by a police officer sets them off...
...but this girls' story is what gets me going.
I want heads to roll and a new culture instituted, things need to change and the people of this country need to remember what is actually important and stop buying the establishment's bullshit.
Wasting your time mate, there's only one reaction you will get from the cowards on here.
A big hard on. Protecting paedophiles is their aim, nothing more.
Difficult watch.

Blimey - "I went to the police five times and they just said there's nothing we can do about it".

Half a million victims? Surely that can't be true?

This is where the left has taken the UK.

Perhaps she should just shut her mouth for the sake of diversity, as suggested in that tweet the Labour MP re-tweeted.

A Youtube comment

"Extraordinary that two comedians and Sargon have bothered to give victims long-form interviews whilst the MSM turn a blind eye."

MSM is now a joke. Run by far-left activists. Ditto Labor and the Dems.
It's amazing that so many people from Swansea get so worked up about defending criminals with knives from nasty police officers...but they don't seem to give a single f*ck about little girls being raped by actual racists.
Kerouac said:
It's amazing that so many people from Swansea get so worked up about defending criminals with knives from nasty police officers...but they don't seem to give a single f*ck about little girls being raped by actual racists.

Vile crimes carried out by predatory sc*m-bags.

I think most people would agree on that, whatever their politics.

Those that get jailed will, hopefully, have a hellish time in prison.

However, to my mind, it's beyond doubt, that your outrage has been exponentially cranked up by the fact that the vast majority of these crimes are - judging by the press reports in the last 10 years or so - perpetrated by Pakistani men.

If it had been gangs of white British groomers perhaps we'd have heard a little peep out of you, but certainly not these screams of anguish.

You'll deny this, and you might even believe your own lies, but I won't.
FieryJack said:
Kerouac said:
It's amazing that so many people from Swansea get so worked up about defending criminals with knives from nasty police officers...but they don't seem to give a single f*ck about little girls being raped by actual racists.

Vile crimes carried out by predatory sc*m-bags.

I think most people would agree on that, whatever their politics.

Those that get jailed will, hopefully, have a hellish time in prison.

However, to my mind, it's beyond doubt, that your outrage has been exponentially cranked up by the fact that the vast majority of these crimes are - judging by the press reports in the last 10 years or so - perpetrated by Pakistani men.

If it had been gangs of white British groomers perhaps we'd have heard a little peep out of you, but certainly not these screams of anguish.

You'll deny this, and you might even believe your own lies, but I won't.

...and what if you're wrong?

If you are wrong and my outrage has nothing to do with race (which it doesn't) you could never work out that you had it wrong, because your mind is working on a loop.

IF there were white gangs roaming our streets, targeting little girls with brown/black skin, raping them whilst declaring they deserved it for being brown/black and non-Christian...I would be extremely f*cking outraged, I was a member of the Liberal Democrats for 20 years remember.

I am outraged at that behaviour and condemn it, and demand justice, is served...and want our government to address the root causes of such behaviour regardless of perpetrator's skin colour.
Skin colour is an irrelevance in such a context (it is pretty much irrelevant to me in nearly all contexts, but there you go).

But I am wasting my breath, because you have signed up to a way of thinking that will never let that chink of light in...like a cult member...and this is relevant and vitally important because it is precisely this way of thinking (the way you think) that has allowed this scandal to happen.
The way you think IS the problem.
Kerouac said:
FieryJack said:
Vile crimes carried out by predatory sc*m-bags.

I think most people would agree on that, whatever their politics.

Those that get jailed will, hopefully, have a hellish time in prison.

However, to my mind, it's beyond doubt, that your outrage has been exponentially cranked up by the fact that the vast majority of these crimes are - judging by the press reports in the last 10 years or so - perpetrated by Pakistani men.

If it had been gangs of white British groomers perhaps we'd have heard a little peep out of you, but certainly not these screams of anguish.

You'll deny this, and you might even believe your own lies, but I won't.

...and what if you're wrong?

If you are wrong and my outrage has nothing to do with race (which it doesn't) you could never work out that you had it wrong, because your mind is working on a loop.

IF there were white gangs roaming our streets, targeting little girls with brown/black skin, raping them whilst declaring they deserved it for being brown/black and non-Christian...I would be extremely f*cking outraged, I was a member of the Liberal Democrats for 20 years remember.

I am outraged at that behaviour and condemn it, and demand justice, is served...and want our government to address the root causes of such behaviour regardless of perpetrator's skin colour.
Skin colour is an irrelevance in such a context (it is pretty much irrelevant to me in nearly all contexts, but there you go).

But I am wasting my breath, because you have signed up to a way of thinking that will never let that chink of light in...like a cult member...and this is relevant and vitally important because it is precisely this way of thinking (the way you think) that has allowed this scandal to happen.
The way you think IS the problem.

Well said.

I stand chastised.

I apologise.

Your last paragraph stung me a bit though. I can assure you that I am not signed up to the cultish mob, and that their "cancel culture" - which I only properly heard about on R4 yesterday - is as obnoxious to me as it probably is to you.
FieryJack said:
Kerouac said:
...and what if you're wrong?

If you are wrong and my outrage has nothing to do with race (which it doesn't) you could never work out that you had it wrong, because your mind is working on a loop.

IF there were white gangs roaming our streets, targeting little girls with brown/black skin, raping them whilst declaring they deserved it for being brown/black and non-Christian...I would be extremely f*cking outraged, I was a member of the Liberal Democrats for 20 years remember.

I am outraged at that behaviour and condemn it, and demand justice, is served...and want our government to address the root causes of such behaviour regardless of perpetrator's skin colour.
Skin colour is an irrelevance in such a context (it is pretty much irrelevant to me in nearly all contexts, but there you go).

But I am wasting my breath, because you have signed up to a way of thinking that will never let that chink of light in...like a cult member...and this is relevant and vitally important because it is precisely this way of thinking (the way you think) that has allowed this scandal to happen.
The way you think IS the problem.

Well said.

I stand chastised.

I apologise.

Your last paragraph stung me a bit though. I can assure you that I am not signed up to the cultish mob, and that their "cancel culture" - which I only properly heard about on R4 yesterday - is as obnoxious to me as it probably is to you.

I'll agree with you both around 'cancel culture'. It won't help address inequalities or address the issues that have led to asian 'grooming gangs' being allowed to operate, no more than the likes of "Britain First" will. The 'right on' culture of metropolitan labour activists lead to nothing but statements and flapping around causes like Hamas. (I'm pretty equivocal on this myself having visited Israel and think both sides need heads banged together'). This is the basis of my dislike of Corbyn, as well as allowing us to have the most incompetent government of at least my memory. How many of the current cabinet would have been in a Thatcher or Major government beyond Gove and perhaps Sunak?

There is at times a need to address difficult questions. I'm all for equality and will support actions that remove problems like institutional racism or homophobia. I fundamentally believe in free healthcare and a good education for every child. I wish we were a meritocracy, but nowhere is in reality.
The truth is most actions or decisions will offend someone or not be what that individual wants. We have to live by some sort of consensus, but consensus will always be around a mainstream. Thanks both for posting these words to think about.

Maybe if any grooming gang bases a justification around religion, they may have to face the punishment their religion sets down. That would be a thought...
Personally I would look at a 'hard labour' type life sentence and chemical castration. If you behave as an animal ,then expect treatment like one. If we want a fair society then its members have to be fair in their actions.

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