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Labour antisemitism ?


First Team Player
Jun 28, 2020
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Labour are getting rid of anti racism campaigners, often Jewish but left wing, often black but left wing, often spent their life fighting racism yet white often female (I won't mention what religion they often are) are getting them kicked out of Labour, it's shocking.
I don't think Labour had a problem, then a smear campaign started against Corbyn, momentum and the left wing for political reasons, they did not want the left in charge, they did not want a pro Palestinian prime minister so people were falsely accused then the narrative was to get rid of these anti Semitic people, Labour decided that criticism of Israel or support for Palestinians amounted to anti semitism, so who was caught in the net Jewish left wing people and black anti racist campaigners, so Labour went from not being anti Semitic to being anti Semitic against left wing Jews and racist against black people.
Darran said:
Trampie said:

What’s you point Tramp that’s nearly two years ago?

Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi has defended the worst enablers of antisemitism within the Labour Party including Chris Williamson and Ken Livingston. Chris Williamson was thrown out of the party after publicly defending holocaust deniers, baiting jews on the day of the Pittsburgh Synagogue shooting, and saying that labour had been too apologetic on antisemitism. Ken Livingston erroneously and offensively claimed that Hitler was a zionist.

Jackie Walker peddled the anti semitic lie that Jews were the chief financers of the slave trade, complained that Holocaust Memorial Day only commemorates Jewish victims when it certainly doesn't, and said that “the Jewish Holocaust does not allow Zionists to do what they want”.

Mark Wadsworth verbally barraged a Jewish female MP who he'd never met and accused her of colluding with the media, an anti semitic trope, at a labour party event launching the Chakrabati report, which was the whitewashed investigation into Labour antisemitism under Corbyn.

Even the twitter account from which Trampie is sharing this information, Socialist Voice, is run by a vile anti-semite and previous BNP supporter named Scott Nelson, who was thrown out of the Labour Party after complaining that companies like Tesco and Marks & Spencer had "Jewish Blood" and comparing Israel to the Nazis.

Under Corbyn, this online ecosystem of racists and antisemites was at best ignored and at worst cultivated. That Trampie can delve into that sewer and pull out examples as if to absolve this racism is vile gaslighting in its worst and truest sense. Thank fuck Keir Starmer has a serious grip on this issue and isn't afraid to show the enablers of racism, as well as racists themselves, the door.
AceJack said:
Darran said:
What’s you point Tramp that’s nearly two years ago?

Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi has defended the worst enablers of antisemitism within the Labour Party including Chris Williamson and Ken Livingston. Chris Williamson was thrown out of the party after publicly defending holocaust deniers, baiting jews on the day of the Pittsburgh Synagogue shooting, and saying that labour had been too apologetic on antisemitism. Ken Livingston erroneously and offensively claimed that Hitler was a zionist.

Jackie Walker peddled the anti semitic lie that Jews were the chief financers of the slave trade, complained that Holocaust Memorial Day only commemorates Jewish victims when it certainly doesn't, and said that “the Jewish Holocaust does not allow Zionists to do what they want”.

Mark Wadsworth verbally barraged a Jewish female MP who he'd never met and accused her of colluding with the media, an anti semitic trope, at a labour party event launching the Chakrabati report, which was the whitewashed investigation into Labour antisemitism under Corbyn.

Even the twitter account from which Trampie is sharing this information, Socialist Voice, is run by a vile anti-semite and previous BNP supporter named Scott Nelson, who was thrown out of the Labour Party after complaining that companies like Tesco and Marks & Spencer had "Jewish Blood" and comparing Israel to the Nazis.

Under Corbyn, this online ecosystem of racists and antisemites was at best ignored and at worst cultivated. That Trampie can delve into that sewer and pull out examples as if to absolve this racism is vile gaslighting in its worst and truest sense. Thank fuck Keir Starmer has a serious grip on this issue and isn't afraid to show the enablers of racism, as well as racists themselves, the door.

Strange bloke is Tramp,he’s like a human Mogadon. 💤
AceJack said:
Darran said:
What’s you point Tramp that’s nearly two years ago?

Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi has defended the worst enablers of antisemitism within the Labour Party including Chris Williamson and Ken Livingston. Chris Williamson was thrown out of the party after publicly defending holocaust deniers, baiting jews on the day of the Pittsburgh Synagogue shooting, and saying that labour had been too apologetic on antisemitism. Ken Livingston erroneously and offensively claimed that Hitler was a zionist.

Jackie Walker peddled the anti semitic lie that Jews were the chief financers of the slave trade, complained that Holocaust Memorial Day only commemorates Jewish victims when it certainly doesn't, and said that “the Jewish Holocaust does not allow Zionists to do what they want”.

Mark Wadsworth verbally barraged a Jewish female MP who he'd never met and accused her of colluding with the media, an anti semitic trope, at a labour party event launching the Chakrabati report, which was the whitewashed investigation into Labour antisemitism under Corbyn.

Even the twitter account from which Trampie is sharing this information, Socialist Voice, is run by a vile anti-semite and previous BNP supporter named Scott Nelson, who was thrown out of the Labour Party after complaining that companies like Tesco and Marks & Spencer had "Jewish Blood" and comparing Israel to the Nazis.

Under Corbyn, this online ecosystem of racists and antisemites was at best ignored and at worst cultivated. That Trampie can delve into that sewer and pull out examples as if to absolve this racism is vile gaslighting in its worst and truest sense. Thank fuck Keir Starmer has a serious grip on this issue and isn't afraid to show the enablers of racism, as well as racists themselves, the door.
Idrissi is Jewish.

As regards Hitler and the middle East there was the Hamburg to Haifa line to break the British blockade.

Walker was replying privately on Facebook as to how she is Jewish with Jamaican (and African) heritage and how Jewish people came to be in the Caribbean.

Anti racist campaigner Wadsworth did not know who he was talking too and did not know she was Jewish and apparently made a trope which he apologized for.

The whole thing comes across as white privileged people ganging up on minority groups often judging by some of the above ethnic minority groups.
Labour are in a ridiculous situation where criticism of Israel is equated with antisemitism.
I thought I answered AceJack last post but it seems to be missing, just as well as no doubt it would bore Darran, lol.
Trampie said:
I don't think Labour had a problem, then a smear campaign started against Corbyn, momentum and the left wing for political reasons, they did not want the left in charge, they did not want a pro Palestinian prime minister so people were falsely accused then the narrative was to get rid of these anti Semitic people, Labour decided that criticism of Israel or support for Palestinians amounted to anti semitism, so who was caught in the net Jewish left wing people and black anti racist campaigners, so Labour went from not being anti Semitic to being anti Semitic against left wing Jews and racist against black people.

I would bet that most people who switched allegiance from Labour in the last election would have done so even if anti-semitism had never been an issue. There were plenty of other reasons people didn't want him to be Prime Minister.
Trampie said:
I thought I answered AceJack last post but it seems to be missing, just as well as no doubt it would bore Darran, lol.

The mods have spared your blushes.
JackSomething said:
Trampie said:
I don't think Labour had a problem, then a smear campaign started against Corbyn, momentum and the left wing for political reasons, they did not want the left in charge, they did not want a pro Palestinian prime minister so people were falsely accused then the narrative was to get rid of these anti Semitic people, Labour decided that criticism of Israel or support for Palestinians amounted to anti semitism, so who was caught in the net Jewish left wing people and black anti racist campaigners, so Labour went from not being anti Semitic to being anti Semitic against left wing Jews and racist against black people.

I would bet that most people who switched allegiance from Labour in the last election would have done so even if anti-semitism had never been an issue. There were plenty of other reasons people didn't want him to be Prime Minister.

A few friends and colleagues of mine brought it up as an issue even though they didn’t have many or any Jewish friends. They couldn’t understand why he couldn’t say sorry on Andrew Neil. A year later and he still can’t say sorry for playing his part in attracting these vile individuals like Wadsworth and Walker to the party. For better or for worse, he drew in cranks and magnets like moths to a flame and found it very difficult to disassociate himself from them.
Trampie said:
I don't think Labour had a problem, then a smear campaign started against Corbyn, momentum and the left wing for political reasons, they did not want the left in charge, they did not want a pro Palestinian prime minister so people were falsely accused then the narrative was to get rid of these anti Semitic people, Labour decided that criticism of Israel or support for Palestinians amounted to anti semitism, so who was caught in the net Jewish left wing people and black anti racist campaigners, so Labour went from not being anti Semitic to being anti Semitic against left wing Jews and racist against black people.

OK, I'll explain this very slowly so that you can understand. I'm a Labour party member, so probably like you I've been in meetings where this is talked about. Let's start by agreeing about things. Because you're British and Jewish doesn't mean anything about your opinions about Israel (which, by the way, is the only democracy in that region). I wouldn't criticicize people of Pakistani origin for what is happening there, ie murdering Christians. Please do talk about what is happening in Israel, and in the South Yemen, and in China, but don't use that to protect anti-Jew racists from being thrown out of the Labour party.

I think I remember that Johnson promised a laser-like investigation of racism in the Tory party, which strangely seems not to have happened.
From Trampie: " Labour decided that criticism of Israel or support for Palestinians amounted to anti semitism."

That's a f**cking lie.

Anyone who isn't a Labour supporter, why don't you pull up a chair, get some pop corn and enjoy the sh*it show.

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