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Leaked police bodycam footage shows George Floyd's arrest for the first time ...

My sympathies are with those who have lost their livelihoods and even their lives in the protests that were born out of this man's fatal drug overdose.

I would not want to be a resident of Minneapolis when those police officers walk free from court.
DwightYorkeSuperstar said:
My sympathies are with those who have lost their livelihoods and even their lives in the protests that were born out of this man's fatal drug overdose.

I would not want to be a resident of Minneapolis when those police officers walk free from court.

I don't know what point you are trying and failing to make, please explain in at least five sentences.
Glyn1 said:
DwightYorkeSuperstar said:
My sympathies are with those who have lost their livelihoods and even their lives in the protests that were born out of this man's fatal drug overdose.

I would not want to be a resident of Minneapolis when those police officers walk free from court.

I don't know what point you are trying and failing to make, please explain in at least five sentences.

Looks like dys is saying Floyd didn't die because a cop knelt on his neck for 9 minutes

It was some drugs is his bloodstream that killed him, nonsense

Derek chauvin won't be walking free anywhere for a long time
Low-life career criminal scum driving around with a cocktail of drugs inside him. Lucky he didn't mow someone down.

Resisting arrest.

As Bill Hicks said " I don't mean to sound cruel here, but I don't think we lost a cancer cure."

This is the man held up as some hero, that cities have burnt because of.

You can now get a George Floyd scholarship at some "university".

Is that a scholarship in how to threaten pregnant women by holding a gun to their stomachs?

No evidence of any racism in that video, because it wasn't a racial killing. No evidence whatsoever.
Watching both fox and cnn the general opinion is many lives could have been saved if this extra footage was shown when available.
It clearly isn't a Racially motivated incident for one, and the cocktail of drugs in his system could easily lead to a relatively lower sentence for the copper involved. That in itself will spark more riots from so called people who care.
Its odd though that numerous journalists of both persuasion in the USA had access to this footage weeks ago and chose not to report on it.
There's been too many political games played and too many lives lost.
There were traces of drugs in his system , but he wasn't high.He was stopped for a non violent accusation against him.The guy was sobbing and begging for his life.As soon as he had the gun put in his face he knew he was going to die.Awful!

Chauvin and co won't be seeing freedom for a very long time.If he gets off with it, the recent protests/ riots will seem like a child's party in comparison
I think what people are afraid of saying is that George Floyd was a horrible piece scum but definitely didn’t deserve to die in this way.

There you are I’ve said it for you.
Darran said:
I think what people are afraid of saying is that George Floyd was a horrible piece scum but definitely didn’t deserve to die in this way.

There you are I’ve said it for you.

Of course.

But there is one huge question still, after months of rioting, looting, the creation of anarchist autonomous zones, an idiotic, reactionary movement to defund or even ABOLISH police forces all over America, and the sharp rise in violent crime all over the country as a result of all this. Was his death a racist hate crime, or was this just a bad cop being a bad cop?

The video doesn't completely prove his murder wasn't racially motivated, but nothing at all in that video indicates that it was.
Darran said:
I think what people are afraid of saying is that George Floyd was a horrible piece scum but definitely didn’t deserve to die in this way.

There you are I’ve said it for you.
Darran said:
I think what people are afraid of saying is that George Floyd was a horrible piece scum but definitely didn’t deserve to die in this way.

There you are I’ve said it for you.

He may have been, but Chauvin was worse.
DwightYorkeSuperstar said:
My sympathies are with those who have lost their livelihoods and even their lives in the protests that were born out of this man's fatal drug overdose.

I would not want to be a resident of Minneapolis when those police officers walk free from court.

I know you're just trying to be edgy as usual, but that's bullsh*t.

There were two autospies carried out, both of which concluded that his death was a homicide, brought about by compression of his neck. His death was nothing to do with drugs.
LeonWasTheDog's said:
DwightYorkeSuperstar said:
My sympathies are with those who have lost their livelihoods and even their lives in the protests that were born out of this man's fatal drug overdose.

I would not want to be a resident of Minneapolis when those police officers walk free from court.

I know you're just trying to be edgy as usual, but that's bullsh*t.

There were two autospies carried out, both of which concluded that his death was a homicide, brought about by compression of his neck. His death was nothing to do with drugs.

He's foaming at the mouth and telling the officers that he's struggling to breath in a distressing manner long before he's restrained with a knee on his neck.

He has two illegal drugs in his system, both of which are notorious for causing respiratory difficulties.

This isn't the "racist white cop murders black man in racially motivated attack" that the media have promoted. There's not one single word spoken by the officers that suggest it was racially motivated.

Did the officer use excessive force? Yes I think so. However, he was given every chance to comply with basic instructions yet he continued to resist arrest and drive off whilst under the influence of illegal drugs. Was it murder? Of course not. I don't think it will be hard for someone to put reasonable doubt in at least one jury member's head.

I feel very sad for real victims of racially motivated police injustice.
He was in cuffs, laying on his side , wedged under a car with three cops holding him down, with one putting his full bodyweight on his neck for 9 minutes. Please tell me you aren't justifying that.

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