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MPs are set to get a pay rise of £3,300 next year, despite coronavirus wreaking havoc on the UK economy ...


Ivor Allchurch
Jun 28, 2020
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Elephant Island, Antartica
Business minister Nadhim Zahawi said he doesn’t think a pay rise is appropriate while millions of jobs are on the line!!

They are full of sh*te.

They claim expenses on what most of us have to pay out of our own pocket.

Should get £30k a year plus expenses max.
Now is not the time for a pay rise.

However, the MP base salary should be considerably more. If you want the best people for the job you have to pay them for doing it.

Increase pay to an appropriate level, stop expense claims and the ability to make money from second jobs to prevent any opportunities for undue influence.
JBT95 said:
They are full of sh*te.

They claim expenses on what most of us have to pay out of our own pocket.

Should get £30k a year plus expenses max.

I disagree. If the job paid £30,000 per year plus expenses, it would alienate the best possible people for the job. Why would they choose to be an MP when they can earn more elsewhere and retain a sense of privacy in their personal lives?

I think they should be paid considerably higher, perhaps even six-figures. This would help attract more competent persons. However, it should be a full time position, not allowing the option of taking a second job simultaneously. Especially second jobs which could be perceived as a conflict of interest.

Quite frankly the quality of many MPs, including our own Carolyn Harris, is abysmal. This is a lady who when warned about her homophobic abuse of colleagues, later defended it as "office banter". This woman is now the Deputy Leader of Welsh Labour. It is frightening.
DwightYorkeSuperstar said:
JBT95 said:
They are full of sh*te.

They claim expenses on what most of us have to pay out of our own pocket.

Should get £30k a year plus expenses max.

I disagree. If the job paid £30,000 per year plus expenses, it would alienate the best possible people for the job. Why would they choose to be an MP when they can earn more elsewhere and retain a sense of privacy in their personal lives?

I think they should be paid considerably higher, perhaps even six-figures. This would help attract more competent persons. However, it should be a full time position, not allowing the option of taking a second job simultaneously. Especially second jobs which could be perceived as a conflict of interest.

Quite frankly the quality of many MPs, including our own Carolyn Harris, is abysmal. This is a lady who when warned about her homophobic abuse of colleagues, later defended it as "office banter". This woman is now the Deputy Leader of Welsh Labour. It is frightening.

This is why they should be paid less.

They should be working class people who actually know the issues in the areas.

The more somebody is paid the less they actually care, I've seen in that in all my jobs.
Gwyn737 said:
Now is not the time for a pay rise.

However, the MP base salary should be considerably more. If you want the best people for the job you have to pay them for doing it.

Increase pay to an appropriate level, stop expense claims and the ability to make money from second jobs to prevent any opportunities for undue influence.

This s unlikely to be a popular view, but for what it’s worth I agree with you. I’d increase the pay, limit expenses, limit office expenses, stop family members being as office managers and researchers and stop them taking second jobs.
MajorR said:
Gwyn737 said:
Now is not the time for a pay rise.

However, the MP base salary should be considerably more. If you want the best people for the job you have to pay them for doing it.

Increase pay to an appropriate level, stop expense claims and the ability to make money from second jobs to prevent any opportunities for undue influence.

This s unlikely to be a popular view, but for what it’s worth I agree with you. I’d increase the pay, limit expenses, limit flics expenses, stop family members being as office managers and researchers and stop them taking second jobs.

This This This ^
TheLoneRanger said:
Business minister Nadhim Zahawi said he doesn’t think a pay rise is appropriate while millions of jobs are on the line

But he'll still be taking it :wink:
The best people for the job irrespective of pay are the ones who do it for the love of a job and the sense of helping people, I work in the public sector and my job is about 10 grand light for what I do but I just get on with it as I believe I'm helping and supporting the staff we have promoting the hard work that they do
Doesn't the PM get something like £100k? When you think about it, it's a shocking salary for the stress and responsibility that comes along with it. I know that they do it for the love of helping people (do they really these days?), but it is a high-pressure job.

That being said, it's a really daft time to get a pay rise - they surely can't be that stupid.
MrSwerve said:
Doesn't the PM get something like £100k? When you think about it, it's a shocking salary for the stress and responsibility that comes along with it. I know that they do it for the love of helping people (do they really these days?), but it is a high-pressure job.

That being said, it's a really daft time to get a pay rise - they surely can't be that stupid.

And they have to live in a crappy terraced house
MrSwerve said:
Doesn't the PM get something like £100k? When you think about it, it's a shocking salary for the stress and responsibility that comes along with it. I know that they do it for the love of helping people (do they really these days?), but it is a high-pressure job.

That being said, it's a really daft time to get a pay rise - they surely can't be that stupid.

PM wage is about £150k plus he gets the MP wage on top of that so he’s clearing well over £200k per year.
The MP’s salary is small beer to the top earners, Boris allegedly earned £800k in additional income 2017-19 parliament, JRM was up there as was John Redwood and David Davis. The latter is apparently an advisor to JCB at £60k per annum and JCB also paid Boris £10k for a speech last year.


Have to agree, if you look at all the main MPs being in top positions and running the roost, I don't think it would matter if there was a 80% pay cut they'd still want the job. Must be the power and the glory/gory that go with it, unless of course there's something else?!

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