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Russian Politician Sentenced to 25 Years


Tommy Hutchison
Jun 28, 2020
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For speaking out against the War in Ukraine. This was his final statement in a Russian Court, the trial was held behind closed doors. A brave man.

"Members of the court: I was sure, after two decades spent in Russian politics, after all that I have seen and experienced, that nothing can surprise me anymore. I must admit that I was wrong. I’ve been surprised by the extent to which my trial, in its secrecy and its contempt for legal norms, has surpassed even the “trials” of Soviet dissidents in the 1960s and ’70s. And that’s not even to mention the harshness of the sentence requested by the prosecution or the talk of “enemies of the state.” In this respect, we’ve gone beyond the 1970s — all the way back to the 1930s. For me, as a historian, this is an occasion for reflection.

At one point during my testimony, the presiding judge reminded me that one of the extenuating circumstances was “remorse for what [the accused] has done.” And although there is little that’s amusing about my present situation, I could not help smiling: The criminal, of course, must repent of his deeds. I’m in jail for my political views. For speaking out against the war in Ukraine. For many years of struggle against Vladimir Putin’s dictatorship. For facilitating the adoption of personal international sanctions under the Magnitsky Act against human rights violators.

Not only do I not repent of any of this, I am proud of it. I am proud that Boris Nemtsov brought me into politics. And I hope that he is not ashamed of me. I subscribe to every word that I have spoken and every word of which I have been accused by this court. I blame myself for only one thing: that over the years of my political activity I have not managed to convince enough of my compatriots and enough politicians in the democratic countries of the danger that the current regime in the Kremlin poses for Russia and for the world. Today this is obvious to everyone, but at a terrible price — the price of war.

In their last statements to the court, defendants usually ask for an acquittal. For a person who has not committed any crimes, acquittal would be the only fair verdict. But I do not ask this court for anything. I know the verdict. I knew it a year ago when I saw people in black uniforms and black masks running after my car in the rearview mirror. Such is the price for speaking up in Russia today.

But I also know that the day will come when the darkness over our country will dissipate. When black will be called black and white will be called white; when at the official level it will be recognized that two times two is still four; when a war will be called a war, and a usurper a usurper; and when those who kindled and unleashed this war, rather than those who tried to stop it, will be recognized as criminals.

This day will come as inevitably as spring follows even the coldest winter. And then our society will open its eyes and be horrified by what terrible crimes were committed on its behalf. From this realization, from this reflection, the long, difficult but vital path toward the recovery and restoration of Russia, its return to the community of civilized countries, will begin.

Even today, even in the darkness surrounding us, even sitting in this cage, I love my country and believe in our people. I believe that we can walk this path."
A very brave man indeed; I'm sure he knows that his life is likely to end soon inside one of Putin's prisons but had the courage to speak out anyway. Inspirational.
I hope and pray that child murderer and fascist dictator Putin gets what's coming to him soon.
Pegojack said:
A very brave man indeed; I'm sure he knows that his life is likely to end soon inside one of Putin's prisons but had the courage to speak out anyway. Inspirational.
I hope and pray that child murderer and fascist dictator Putin gets what's coming to him soon.


I found his statement quite emotional really, and am just so sad that a country with such a long and powerful tradition as Russia has once again allowed itself to be sleep-walked into a dictatorial regime that is not only damaging to itself, but to its neighbours and imaginary adversaries in the 'West'.

I find it quite incredulous that the IOC are looking at pathways for the reintroduction of Olympic participation for Russian and Belarussian competitors....


...and both the WTA and ATP should be roundly condemned by the UN for fining the LTA and AELTC last year for banning Russian and Belorussian players from Wimbledon.. How they can be so pigheaded that they describe the banning as 'discrimination' when the Russians are quote literally blowing Ukrainian men, women and children to bits, and that twat in Minsk facilitates and endorses it is just unbelievable...

Wimbledon should have continued with their banning for this year, irrespective of fines and dropping ranking points....

BrynCartwright said:

I found his statement quite emotional really, and am just so sad that a country with such a long and powerful tradition as Russia has once again allowed itself to be sleep-walked into a dictatorial regime that is not only damaging to itself, but to its neighbours and imaginary adversaries in the 'West'.

I find it quite incredulous that the IOC are looking at pathways for the reintroduction of Olympic participation for Russian and Belarussian competitors....


...and both the WTA and ATP should be roundly condemned by the UN for fining the LTA and AELTC last year for banning Russian and Belorussian players from Wimbledon.. How they can be so pigheaded that they describe the banning as 'discrimination' when the Russians are quote literally blowing Ukrainian men, women and children to bits, and that twat in Minsk facilitates and endorses it is just unbelievable...

Wimbledon should have continued with their banning for this year, irrespective of fines and dropping ranking points....


I believe Russia and countries that support them ,should be ostracised from all sporting competitions .

It won’t make any difference though but at least we would be free of their stench
Mount St Helens said:
I believe Russia and countries that support them ,should be ostracised from all sporting competitions .

It won’t make any difference though but at least we would be free of their stench

...and when Russia is allowed to compete, they cheat....state sponsored doping assholes...
BrynCartwright said:
...and when Russia is allowed to compete, they cheat....state sponsored doping assholes...

Indeed, you'd think the IOC would welcome the chance to kick them all out due to the war and be free of that particular headache for a few years.

I like their attempts to argue that it's unfair to the Russian and Belarusian athletes, when every man and his dog knows the real reason they want them at the Olympics.

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