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Skull found in hunt for Ian Brady and Myra Hindley's last victim ...

Those fecking people helped make my mother an over-protective mental case when I was growing up.

She was no fan of colliery spoil tips either.
TheLoneRanger said:
What a complete and utter fvck up.


FFS that poor lad will never be laid to rest, hope those pair of evil fukers are burning in hell.
Niigata Jack said:
TheLoneRanger said:
What a complete and utter fvck up.


FFS that poor lad will never be laid to rest, hope those pair of evil fukers are burning in hell.

A message from Alan Bennett - Keith's brother.

I'm sorry to raise this point concerning the other victims, forgive me, but why would there only be a fragment of jaw bone left of Keith, considering the condition of the other victims that were found?

The two locations that Edwards referred to are not in the location of his supposed find.

Does he always have a camera crew and photographer with him? If so I presume they have been trailing him for his, again supposed, 7 year searching. Or was it just by pure chance and coincidence that they were with him on his supposed find?

What makes him think that a team of highly trained professional forensic archaeologists, scene of crime officers, a botanist, a facial features expert, lab technicians, another team of officers walking the moor both in front and behind of his supposed find searching the ground, drone operatives and the complete professionalism and care to conduct a search thoroughly could not find what he is supposed to have found?

I have seen the way those forensic archaeologists work, it is all painstaking trowel and finger-tip searching and sifting of anything removed from the ground. I have been advised and helped on the moor by archaeologists and that gave me a real insight in to just how they work to make sure they don't miss anything.

How can he self-pityingly state that I'm trying to ruin his reputation when he is doing a perfectly good job of that without any help from me?

Seems a little strange that all his 'experts,' appear to be friends of his.
How can he state that we have been searching in the wrong place when our 30 years of experience dwarfs his alleged seven years of investigation, whilst at the same time he puts place names of locations in different incorrect areas of the moor?

The mystery woman that joined forces with him and opened his eyes to locations must be as hopeless and helpless as he is.

Why did he go to the Daily Mail and get their backing before he went to the police?

Will any payment he received from them be paid back now he has proved to be a completely deluded individual?

Will he apologise for the anguish, anger, hurt and distress he has caused by his thoughtless, heartless and publicity seeking actions?

Will the Daily Mail print an apology to Keith's family for being part of this fiasco?

Will they and Edwards foot the bill for the police operation and waste of police time and resources?

From his supposed find of bone fragment, skull, hair, material and body tissue there is absolutely nothing to be found now and no trace of any of those things.

He had the nerve to get angry when I said he was in the wrong area and he had not found Keith, then expected thanks from me!

He now states the location has been destroyed, WRONG, the site has been thoroughly searched and you have been exposed as the delusional individual we always suspected you were.

Just a few thoughts and questions for him to be getting along with and maybe answering. I would like to think that no publisher or anybody in that profession would now not touch him with a barge pole, if they have any morals or ethics.

There is more but I'm tired and weary of people like him and that will do for now at least.

I'm just left with a feeling of utter contempt for him and his actions and I know the rest of Keith's family feel the same, along with anger and pain.

Alan Bennett

Coventry City v Swansea City

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