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The Study Of Humans


Roger Freestone
Jun 23, 2020
Reaction score
A garage in Canoga Park
You may recall me saying several times how stupid people are in the 21st century.
I’ve mentioned it several times in the past on threads like the Zouma cat kicking video and how someone would be so thick as to post it on social media.
I love to study the dumbness of humans.

Now there’s a phone-in on Radio Wales this morning asking people who they think the next Prime Minster should be.
A guy has just phoned in and said “I think Penny Mordaunt could do a good job but I don’t know anything about her.”

Now pardon me for being a bit thick here but if he doesn’t know anything about her how the f*cking hell can he think she could do a good job?
Darran said:
You may recall me saying several times how stupid people are in the 21st century.
I’ve mentioned it several times in the past on threads like the Zouma cat kicking video and how someone would be so thick as to post it on social media.
I love to study the dumbness of humans.

Now there’s a phone-in on Radio Wales this morning asking people who they think the next Prime Minster should be.
A guy has just phoned in and said “I think Penny Mordaunt could do a good job but I don’t know anything about her.”

Now pardon me for being a bit thick here but if he doesn’t know anything about her how the f*cking hell can he think she could do a good job?

This is the measure of people. Trump openly said that he loved the poorly educated. People think I’m a raving remainer and Labourite when the fact is neither is true, but I don’t buy in to the idea of hatred making you stronger, which is exactly the ticket that was sold to stupid people to get Brexit done and a far right ERG government in the UK. I know that point of view rankles with people, probably for good reason, but I will not apologise for it until the day it is proven wrong, and since 2016 it has been proven right at every turn.

People are stupid enough to defend Brexit and vote for the man off the TV with the funny hair, over and over again.
Itchysphincter said:
Darran said:
You may recall me saying several times how stupid people are in the 21st century.
I’ve mentioned it several times in the past on threads like the Zouma cat kicking video and how someone would be so thick as to post it on social media.
I love to study the dumbness of humans.

Now there’s a phone-in on Radio Wales this morning asking people who they think the next Prime Minster should be.
A guy has just phoned in and said “I think Penny Mordaunt could do a good job but I don’t know anything about her.”

Now pardon me for being a bit thick here but if he doesn’t know anything about her how the f*cking hell can he think she could do a good job?

This is the measure of people. Trump openly said that he loved the poorly educated. People think I’m a raving remainer and Labourite when the fact is neither is true, but I don’t buy in to the idea of hatred making you stronger, which is exactly the ticket that was sold to stupid people to get Brexit done and a far right ERG government in the UK. I know that point of view rankles with people, probably for good reason, but I will not apologise for it until the day it is proven wrong, and since 2016 it has been proven right at every turn.

People are stupid enough to defend Brexit and vote for the man off the TV with the funny hair, over and over again.

I concur.
Itchysphincter said:
Darran said:
You may recall me saying several times how stupid people are in the 21st century.
I’ve mentioned it several times in the past on threads like the Zouma cat kicking video and how someone would be so thick as to post it on social media.
I love to study the dumbness of humans.

Now there’s a phone-in on Radio Wales this morning asking people who they think the next Prime Minster should be.
A guy has just phoned in and said “I think Penny Mordaunt could do a good job but I don’t know anything about her.”

Now pardon me for being a bit thick here but if he doesn’t know anything about her how the f*cking hell can he think she could do a good job?

This is the measure of people. Trump openly said that he loved the poorly educated. People think I’m a raving remainer and Labourite when the fact is neither is true, but I don’t buy in to the idea of hatred making you stronger, which is exactly the ticket that was sold to stupid people to get Brexit done and a far right ERG government in the UK. I know that point of view rankles with people, probably for good reason, but I will not apologise for it until the day it is proven wrong, and since 2016 it has been proven right at every turn.

People are stupid enough to defend Brexit and vote for the man off the TV with the funny hair, over and over again.

You are not wrong. The increasing belief in conspiracy theories, believing misinformation from sources whose funding is opaque (hello GB news) and taking repeated lies as the truth are symptomatic of this. Absolute idiots believing they are 'free thinkers' or 'sovereign citizens'. The idea that Covid vaccines are part of great reset and will kill the unwanted. Let the idiots think a bit harder-if you wanted to depopulate release an infection with high mortality that you control the treatment or vaccine for, not some convoluted plot. This is completely symptomatic of ill-education and believing what you want to hear rather than some hard truths.
Let's not forget, that all the evil ever created in this world, is bourne out of greed and the need to control the others, get that straight in you heads and you'll realise that all is not as it seems.👍
Itchysphincter said:
This is the measure of people. Trump openly said that he loved the poorly educated. People think I’m a raving remainer and Labourite when the fact is neither is true, but I don’t buy in to the idea of hatred making you stronger, which is exactly the ticket that was sold to stupid people to get Brexit done and a far right ERG government in the UK. I know that point of view rankles with people, probably for good reason, but I will not apologise for it until the day it is proven wrong, and since 2016 it has been proven right at every turn.

People are stupid enough to defend Brexit and vote for the man off the TV with the funny hair, over and over again.

Outstanding post.
Someone phoned in a radio Wales phone in once on that Call Rob show.
"what did you think of today's game?"said Rob

"I don't know what to say" was the reply.
Professor said:
Itchysphincter said:
This is the measure of people. Trump openly said that he loved the poorly educated. People think I’m a raving remainer and Labourite when the fact is neither is true, but I don’t buy in to the idea of hatred making you stronger, which is exactly the ticket that was sold to stupid people to get Brexit done and a far right ERG government in the UK. I know that point of view rankles with people, probably for good reason, but I will not apologise for it until the day it is proven wrong, and since 2016 it has been proven right at every turn.

People are stupid enough to defend Brexit and vote for the man off the TV with the funny hair, over and over again.

You are not wrong. The increasing belief in conspiracy theories, believing misinformation from sources whose funding is opaque (hello GB news) and taking repeated lies as the truth are symptomatic of this. Absolute idiots believing they are 'free thinkers' or 'sovereign citizens'. The idea that Covid vaccines are part of great reset and will kill the unwanted. Let the idiots think a bit harder-if you wanted to depopulate release an infection with high mortality that you control the treatment or vaccine for, not some convoluted plot. This is completely symptomatic of ill-education and believing what you want to hear rather than some hard truths.

:shock: Spat my coffee out, reading that tripe.
jack123 said:
Professor said:
You are not wrong. The increasing belief in conspiracy theories, believing misinformation from sources whose funding is opaque (hello GB news) and taking repeated lies as the truth are symptomatic of this. Absolute idiots believing they are 'free thinkers' or 'sovereign citizens'. The idea that Covid vaccines are part of great reset and will kill the unwanted. Let the idiots think a bit harder-if you wanted to depopulate release an infection with high mortality that you control the treatment or vaccine for, not some convoluted plot. This is completely symptomatic of ill-education and believing what you want to hear rather than some hard truths.

:shock: Spat my coffee out, reading that tripe.

Well you would say that after some of the comments you’ve made.
Shuí ràng nǐ de lóngzi gāgā zuò xiǎng
Jack2jack said:
Let's not forget, that all the evil ever created in this world, is bourne out of greed and the need to control the others, get that straight in you heads and you'll realise that all is not as it seems.👍

What you saying then, if it’s not all as it seems?
Neath_Jack said:
Jack2jack said:
Let's not forget, that all the evil ever created in this world, is bourne out of greed and the need to control the others, get that straight in you heads and you'll realise that all is not as it seems.👍

What you saying then, if it’s not all as it seems?
Ask yourself one question then, do you think those in power and those who have influence are all there to help the likes of you and me. We are expendable, in the end we serve to make the rich richer and those with power more powerful. If anyone thinks any differently, think again, of course we can follow like sheep or question what is going on, nut jobs are just that, nutters. It's very difficult though isn't it to find a voice if you dont have power and or influence, do you see the issue? Just my opinion obviously.👍
jack123 said:
Professor said:
You are not wrong. The increasing belief in conspiracy theories, believing misinformation from sources whose funding is opaque (hello GB news) and taking repeated lies as the truth are symptomatic of this. Absolute idiots believing they are 'free thinkers' or 'sovereign citizens'. The idea that Covid vaccines are part of great reset and will kill the unwanted. Let the idiots think a bit harder-if you wanted to depopulate release an infection with high mortality that you control the treatment or vaccine for, not some convoluted plot. This is completely symptomatic of ill-education and believing what you want to hear rather than some hard truths.

:shock: Spat my coffee out, reading that tripe.
As if to prove my point. An idiot who has habit of following exactly this kind of rubbish.

That's like a ringing endorsement.
Jack2jack said:
Neath_Jack said:
What you saying then, if it’s not all as it seems?
Ask yourself one question then, do you think those in power and those who have influence are all there to help the likes of you and me. We are expendable, in the end we serve to make the rich richer and those with power more powerful. If anyone thinks any differently, think again, of course we can follow like sheep or question what is going on, nut jobs are just that, nutters. It's very difficult though isn't it to find a voice if you dont have power and or influence, do you see the issue? Just my opinion obviously.👍

Which has always been the case, whether power in the hands of religion, a monarchy or a dictator. These days money has become power. Rupert Murdoch is a visible example. GB News and conspiracists are an opaque example. The whole WEF/Anti-vax/chemtrails is as much an exertion of power as The Sun, Times or the Mail. It's just those sheep don't realise they are going to the abattoir.
Professor said:
jack123 said:
:shock: Spat my coffee out, reading that tripe.
As if to prove my point. An idiot who has habit of following exactly this kind of rubbish.

That's like a ringing endorsement.

Call me an idiot if you like, but I'm only pointing out to you, that just because someone didn't take the vaccine, doesn't necessarily make them a conspiracy theorist or an idiot.

You should not tar everyone with the same brush, a nurse said to me once 'are you fully vaccinated' I said no, haven't had one, straight away she said 'anti vax are you?' what a bloomin cheek.

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