Ivor Allchurch
It's a reasonable question. You need to realise NATO forces are vastly superior to Russia's with USA onside. If they'd had the balls, they could have snuffed this out at the start by telling fascist child murderer Putin that there was an air exclusion zone over Ukraine enforced by Nato, and if he broke it, there would be a massive retaliatory strike. Putin could blather on about nuclear weapons, but his own people would depose him before it got that far.Serious question, If Trump suddenly changed his tune and went Pro-Ukraine, what do people think would happen? IMO it most probably be the moment that WW3 starts.
And this question is no way at all meant to wind people up, it's a serious question, Thinking a few moves in advance.
Does Nato really want a war with Russia. It's all well and good being armchair generals, but massive loss of lives are happening here.
For me all day long, it has to be delegation, and I will always bang my drum that war is a complicated issue, but it's not complicated to see the issues if Trump ever decided to side with Ukraine.
It has to be sorted by delegation, and nothing else.
It'll never happen now mafia boss Trump is in power. A carve up between him and Putin is more likely.
And I think you mean negotiation, not delegation.