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Andy Fisher


Staff member
Jul 6, 2020
Reaction score
I was out last night so not at the game or watching on a stream

How did Fisher play?

And the other new signings that featured?
Getting stick on twitter but I think it's a bit unfair.

I got into game slightly late but I'm sure as I was arriving he had a pass charged down which would have made a nervy debut even more nervy. Seemed to be a bit quiet for me though, but he's a pup in keeper terms.
I don't understand the stick he was getting. The pass that was charged down was a Cabango hospital pass special.
Other than that, he distributed the ball well and did what he had to well. He had no chance with the goal.
How can I put it…

Well, he’s obviously not the commanding goalkeeper I’d hoped for. Best case, early days. Worst case (one match, so obviously not conclusive in any way) physically weaker than Woodman, line hugger, watches the ball go past him across goal.

Overall. He’s not going to transform us. With Benda available this was a total waste of money which could have been used elsewhere. Benda has much more potential to be what we need. Maybe he’ll turn into Gordon Banks. Needs work.
Early days obvs but he looked very nervous and hesitant with the ball at his feet, recieved a few hospital passes but gave a couple as well. Rooted to the spot for a couple of Luton shots. Upgrade on Hammy? Time will tell but not on last night's showing.
Had a nervy start 90 seconds in.
But we have to give him a chance.
Blimey, give a bloke a chance. Yes he looked nervous but you would be given the way we’ve been defending last couple of months
monmouth said:
How can I put it…

Well, he’s obviously not the commanding goalkeeper I’d hoped for. Best case, early days. Worst case (one match, so obviously not conclusive in any way) physically weaker than Woodman, line hugger, watches the ball go past him across goal.

Overall. He’s not going to transform us. With Benda available this was a total waste of money which could have been used elsewhere. Benda has much more potential to be what we need. Maybe he’ll turn into Gordon Banks. Needs work.

Tend to agree.
Pentyrchjack said:
He wasn’t “brill“iant and neither did he flounder.

Did he come out for a catch or was he stuck on his line? He’ll make a rod for his own back if he ends up in the back of the net.
Pinged a few good passes around and could stick to the game plan when handed hospital passes. Made a couple of decent saves too. A fairly quiet debut, but I can see why he was bought in.
Undoubtedly bought in as our longer term first choice

We need to stick with him in the same way we stuck with Hamer
I said at the time he must be one of the fewest (if only) Swans keepers whose first touch for the Club was a header outside the box ?? …………..🤔🤔

‘Things can only get better …..’ 🤞🤞
His distribution for counter attacks with hands and feet will be better than the others we have. Just a shame the players around him have no idea how to counter attack or show any pace.

A couple of times he set up a quick out only for it to get to the half way line, have a couple of passes and then go backwards while Luton got back into shape. It's like having a team of Neil Taylors.
I admit I like Benda. I think he had the potential to offer us everything we need had he had the run Hamer was given. I don't think Goalkeeper was a position we needed but now he's here, it's done and I hope he works out. I was just describing what I saw last night. Others obviously saw different.


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