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Man City Euro Ban

Yep, there will be a backhander in the somewhere.
Cooperman said:
Yep, there will be a backhander in the somewhere.

Not so much a backhander but the GDP of a small country.

On the lines of Qatar and Russia world cup decisions

Toronto_Motors said:

That' a surprise.

Must have cost the Sheiks a few bob ;)

Actually,not that much as the fine has been reduced to 9m.

Taking the piss surely
Even though it is a p!sstake, I cant wait for liverpool and united 'fans' to start moaning.
Fireboy said:
Even though it is a p!sstake, I cant wait for liverpool and united 'fans' to start moaning.

I think,regardless of club choice,this decision is as bad as the Qatar bid. If City are innocent ,yhen why the 9m fine which is small change to the Oil Mafia country. This goes way beyond any club a fan might support.It is imply an insult to intelligence and frankly,it makes one think of football i now so corrupt it is worth ditching as a pursuit
Toronto_Motors said:
Cooperman said:
Yep, there will be a backhander in the somewhere.

Not so much a backhander but the GDP of a small country.

On the lines of Qatar and Russia world cup decisions


Completely. UEFA may as well shut up shop or at least abolish the FFP rules. As for City, they are a complete joke of a club.
Toronto_Motors said:
Fireboy said:
Even though it is a p!sstake, I cant wait for liverpool and united 'fans' to start moaning.

I think,regardless of club choice,this decision is as bad as the Qatar bid. If City are innocent ,yhen why the 9m fine which is small change to the Oil Mafia country. This goes way beyond any club a fan might support.It is imply an insult to intelligence and frankly,it makes one think of football i now so corrupt it is worth ditching as a pursuit

Morning, i did say it is a p!sstake.

I've got to the point in life where nothing bothers me (apart from the swans losing in the last minute) alot of things used to stress me out so I've decided to just ignore them and carry on with being happy, there has been alot of sh!t going on in the world that could bring you down but I have chosen to ignore people moaning and look on the bright side.
Fireboy said:
I've got to the point in life where nothing bothers me (apart from the swans losing in the last minute) alot of things used to stress me out so I've decided to just ignore them and carry on with being happy, there has been alot of sh!t going on in the world that could bring you down but I have chosen to ignore people moaning and look on the bright side.

A glass half full approach is one step nearer to a happy life ;)
Cooperman said:
Fireboy said:
I've got to the point in life where nothing bothers me (apart from the swans losing in the last minute) alot of things used to stress me out so I've decided to just ignore them and carry on with being happy, there has been alot of sh!t going on in the world that could bring you down but I have chosen to ignore people moaning and look on the bright side.

A glass half full approach is one step nearer to a happy life ;)

Yep, I decided this several years ago as things not only sport was getting me down, I've always tried to be positive but after I made this decision life has been great, I just get on with it and show a happy face

There are a few on this board who have got to know me quite well and I suspect they will say the same.
The point here is that UEFA’s FFP rules are not fit for purpose.

“The quality of evidence put forward by Uefa was insubstantial and inadequate.”

I seriously doubt that Man City needed to bribe the court of arbitration for Sport. They simply needed to trounce the incompetent UEFA with their evidence. It wasn’t difficult.
Fireboy said:
Cooperman said:
Fireboy said:
I've got to the point in life where nothing bothers me (apart from the swans losing in the last minute) alot of things used to stress me out so I've decided to just ignore them and carry on with being happy, there has been alot of sh!t going on in the world that could bring you down but I have chosen to ignore people moaning and look on the bright side.

A glass half full approach is one step nearer to a happy life ;)

Yep, I decided this several years ago as things not only sport was getting me down, I've always tried to be positive but after I made this decision life has been great, I just get on with it and show a happy face

There are a few on this board who have got to know me quite well and I suspect they will say the same.

It's a good attitude and one favoured by Epictetus.
Not all can achieve that though but we can strive but sometimes,things in life happen than overpower everything including logic

Coventry City v Swansea City

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