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Outstanding Supporters Trust News

In the interests of me, who funded the Trust?

Looks like it is cut and dried and a good earner for the funder.
It's been a long time coming now to get it sorted . When the Trust were excluded it was just not disrespectful to the Trust board but also the underlying stance of how views of the fans would be received in the future.
Darran said:
jacabertawe said:
Yes, the apologists will be on here or the other place soon.

It’s started.

It's fine for Swans fans not to want legal action to go ahead. Some have perfectly valid concerns regarding how it will affect the club. Then you have the usual suspects who don't understand anything and have been getting things wrong about the Swans for many years and are hardly going to stop now.

Then there are the ones deliberately spreading misinformation in an attempt to discredit the Trust and help the sellouts and current owners. Personally speaking, if I ran a website devoted to the team I love, I wouldn't allow people like that to post on it. But each to their own.
JackSomething said:
Darran said:
It’s started.

It's fine for Swans fans not to want legal action to go ahead. Some have perfectly valid concerns regarding how it will affect the club. Then you have the usual suspects who don't understand anything and have been getting things wrong about the Swans for many years and are hardly going to stop now.

Then there are the ones deliberately spreading misinformation in an attempt to discredit the Trust and help the sellouts and current owners. Personally speaking, if I ran a website devoted to the team I love, I wouldn't allow people like that to post on it. But each to their own.

Well complete and utter lies should be stopped. I’m all for freedom of speech I always have been but there’s a line and shouldn’t be crossed.
Chief said:
Yes lord Haw Haw has had their say again....

The usual rubbish being peddled about, the usual words fed through certain mouthpieces has been said.

And yet all of it is just oblivious to the evidence that says what certain shareholders did wrong, and have already admitted to
PSumbler said:
Chief said:
Yes lord Haw Haw has had their say again....

The usual rubbish being peddled about, the usual words fed through certain mouthpieces has been said.

And yet all of it is just oblivious to the evidence that says what certain shareholders did wrong, and have already admitted to

The peddled lies and misinformation shouldn’t have been allowed in the past but it certainly shouldn’t be allowed now.
If theres a case to answer, let a judge decide,that's how it works, and that's what the system is for.
Simple, good luck. The truth always outs in the end.
Jack2jack said:
If theres a case to answer, let a judge decide,that's how it works, and that's what the system is for.
Simple, good luck. The truth always outs in the end.


Well , except when it doesn’t of course.

I’m really surprised there hasn’t been a sob story given to chums at the Western Mail and Evening Post from someone yet.
I won’t name them but it’s oBViouS who I’m talking about.
Darran said:
I’m really surprised there hasn’t been a sob story given to chums at the Western Mail and Evening Post from someone yet.
I won’t name them but it’s oBViouS who I’m talking about.

Subtle as a sledgehammer Dar, :lol: :lol:
Resolvenjack said:
Darran said:
I’m really surprised there hasn’t been a sob story given to chums at the Western Mail and Evening Post from someone yet.
I won’t name them but it’s oBViouS who I’m talking about.

Subtle as a sledgehammer Dar, :lol: :lol:

I try my best. :lol:

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