I must say this bootlegger fella, he has had his gnashers done ferk knows the price though mind, I think he has veneers which are coming back on the higher estimate, nearly a grand a tooth . Ooh I feel like a Swansea slut talking about white teeth, or should it be Made In Swansea? It is pretty cool like,.
I honestly think if I had a spare 20 or 30 grand lying around, and had the same gnashers as the bootlegger, the women would be using a SWP battering ram to get into my abode.
I must say this bootlegger fella, he has had his gnashers done ferk knows the price though mind, I think he has veneers which are coming back on the higher estimate, nearly a grand a tooth . Ooh I feel like a Swansea slut talking about white teeth, or should it be Made In Swansea? It is pretty cool like,.
I honestly think if I had a spare 20 or 30 grand lying around, and had the same gnashers as the bootlegger, the women would be using a SWP battering ram to get into my abode.