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Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon


Mel Nurse
Jun 27, 2020
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What with the whole debate about global warming and the big rise in the cost of hydrocarbon fuels, does anybody have an update on the private venture behind the Lagoon..?..that one with the floating dragon thingy....

Did it get planning permission..?

Surely a private venture, non reliant on any form of Westminster funding, and offering energy at a big discount from nuclear per kWh needs to be reassessed..

Seems to me that guaranteed tidal energy generation, and a technology and expertise that can be replicated in lots of places with large tidal ranges around the world is a no-brainer now....
BrynCartwright said:
What with the whole debate about global warming and the big rise in the cost of hydrocarbon fuels, does anybody have an update on the private venture behind the Lagoon..?..that one with the floating dragon thingy....

Did it get planning permission..?

Surely a private venture, non reliant on any form of Westminster funding, and offering energy at a big discount from nuclear per kWh needs to be reassessed..

Seems to me that guaranteed tidal energy generation, and a technology and expertise that can be replicated in lots of places with large tidal ranges around the world is a no-brainer now....
Bryn, A quick scout around on Planning dept website, suggests, there is a lot of pre app stuff to be considered before full planning will be approved, drainage, ecology, highway works etc, all under consideration at the mo.
As to funding, who knows in this current climate, watch this space.
The Bristol Channel has the 3rd highest tidal range in the world and if there isn’t a viable economic case for this this then we are all f00ked.
The sun is the biggest emitting radiation machine changing the earth's climate, we haven't got the equipment to measure it's full propensity, it changes temperature every second.. nipping to the shop in the car isn't going to effect the earth's climate FFS.. it's the big nuclear thing in the sky, I'm sure studies are knocking about from NASA to give these climate change nutters sitting down on roads and gluing themselves to paintings a read, f*cking imbeciles
Last thing I heard was the council were going to give some land for a battery factory which may have led to a tidal lagoon , seems years away and technology might have moved on by then so I doubt it will ever happen
What is the Risk to our bay, Wales seems to be a easy touch what with 200m super sized wind turbines being proposed for Neath area whilst England have stopped placing them all over the Malverns and Chilterns etc as if? Our valleys after being reclaimed from mining are now being covered with these turbines which only work with the right wind conditions, been off most of the week and today.

Seriously this area has been through enough what with BP closing both plants. Carbon Black etc. Put it somewhere else first to see the impact and cost benefit.
For what its worth, the company who were behind it have been advertising for staff recently. Maybe with all the energy problems, the government will be/has been forced to reconsider its original decision. I imagine much of the planning has already been done.
Captain_Sham said:
For what its worth, the company who were behind it have been advertising for staff recently. Maybe with all the energy problems, the government will be/has been forced to reconsider its original decision. I imagine much of the planning has already been done.

No chance of that imo , it will have to be private money , 4 billion was the amount which probably means 8 billion , a change of government might change things but that's 2 years away ,, a 10 percent chance it ever happens
Best_loser said:
No chance of that imo , it will have to be private money , 4 billion was the amount which probably means 8 billion , a change of government might change things but that's 2 years away ,, a 10 percent chance it ever happens

You went from 0 chance to 10% in two sentences. Starting next year then.
Captain_Sham said:
You went from 0 chance to 10% in two sentences. Starting next year then.

Zero chance of this government changing its mind about it , 10 percent chance of it ever being built , just my opinion and I could be wrong , the battery factory might be built though
The reality is that neither the UK gov or private venture capitalists would invest which would suggest it was not viable.

There are some big investments needed in the UK infrastructure and energy is one of them, off shore wind farms and solar farms are going to be part of the overall strategy. There is an interesting project taking place in North Africa with huge solar farms and undersea cables running through to the South West of England and probably onto South West Wales.

Swansea itself has not got enough land near the port to make investments of this type viable but around Swansea bay there are plenty of brownfield flat sites available which could be used.

The UK needs to get involved in the manufacturing of these products or for example ensuring that the manufacturing of steel at Port Talbot can be made with a zero carbon energy and possibly using the steel in the manufacture of green products such as battery storage for green energy.

There is already a green Hydrogen plant at Baglan energy park which is used for powering HGV vehicles and if this experimental plant could be expanded to power local authority HGV’s, Fire tenders, local buses etc this could lead to greater use and jobs for the area.
KrunchyKarrot said:
What is the Risk to our bay, Wales seems to be a easy touch what with 200m super sized wind turbines being proposed for Neath area whilst England have stopped placing them all over the Malverns and Chilterns etc as if? Our valleys after being reclaimed from mining are now being covered with these turbines which only work with the right wind conditions, been off most of the week and today.

Seriously this area has been through enough what with BP closing both plants. Carbon Black etc. Put it somewhere else first to see the impact and cost benefit.
Have a gander at this, no wonder they are off more than on.

Jack2jack said:
Have a gander at this, no wonder they are off more than on.


Thanks, i have read simalair before. It seems to me that we cannot have a balanced discussion about the renewables or energy anymore without it being littered by false facts or people repeating Media bull. I am all for clean/green energy but it is obvious it is a way off and we will need nuclear and gas and oil.

Drax mentioned in the article are buying in woodchips from Africa/Canada to burn i believe, also importation of LPG cant be all that green. Drax are also into Carbon capture which again is another contentious issue. I did read/scan the IPCC report and it makes interesting reading. Compiled by experts then a different set review data the disagree, you couldnt make it up.
Why cant we all agree to clean our Rivers/Beaches to start with as it is obvious they are dying at an alarming rate. Charge the big companies who made and sold the micro-plastics etc pay for it. I cannot believe that this was allowed to happen ,disgraceful.

Coventry City v Swansea City

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