Thanks all although really I was thanking you - I do what I do here because I enjoy it (and have done for most of the 20 years I have done it!) but it would be pointless if nobody visited or commented.
I rarely comment on the number of visits, views etc because or two reasons
1. I don't usually know what they are as I don't check on them as I see them as a side issue which is more important to the advertisers than me
2. The articles get read, the forum gets commented on and the meter at the bottom says people are visiting
This is more than enough for me.
I won't ever criticise people for their choices. I made the decision to step away from fansnetwork as I needed the challenge of designing a site and setting up again. Some people chose to stay, some chose to leave and some choose to post on both sites (as well as the others). It's a free choice for everyone to do what they want although why there is a need to justify that choice is beyond me
There are several Swans sites out there, this one has run for more than 20 years and will continue to run for as long as I enjoy it - over the years I have taken by fair share of sh*t (and still do) but that went with the territory of being head of the Supporters Trust and a visible presence on a forum. I was often asked why I bothered but I did it because I was a Swans fan and I believed I could make a difference. In some ways I did, in some ways I failed. Hey ho!
Anyway, the purpose of this was to thank you all for your continued support whether as a reader or a poster of this fine site and I still believe that when I look at the main page of the site - I have achieved one of the goals and that is to produce a modern looking Swans site full of more than 12,000 archived articles! Not bad work over 20 years