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The House of Commons is having a meltdown.


Staff member
Jun 27, 2020
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The Speaker, who’s usually such a spineless wet blanket, has managed to annoy both the Tories and the SNP at the same time. Which is quite some achievement. And now the Tories have taken their ball home and won’t play anymore. It’s marvellous entertainment. If you like that sort of thing. Which I do.
Just got in and missed it all, what is the gist of the beef today?
Just got in and missed it all, what is the gist of the beef today?
How long have you got? SNP Opposition day today. They tabled a motion calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza mostly designed to highlight
Labour’s divisions. Labour tabled its own amendment which was very slight and still called for an immediate ceasefire but one that at least most Labour MPs would back. The government tabled yet another amendment but only because they thought it would mean Labour’s wouldn’t get voted on because the usual process would be for the Speaker to allow votes on the opposition party who’s “day” it is (in this case the SNP)’s motion and the government’s. But Hoyle said all three would be voted on, sending the Tories into meltdown and (understandably enough) really pissing off the SNP. Both Tories and the SNP then walked out and refused to take part in the votes meaning Labour’s motion passed without a vote. Speaker then comes back to say sorry, close to tears and everyone basically slates him.

In short all three main parties look like absolute cunts by basically using the continuing slaughter of thousands of innocents to play political games. And the Speaker is probably toast. And I very much doubt either Netanyahu or Hamas has paid the slightest bit of notice. It really was pathetic but for about 90 minutes or so at teatime it was also blinding entertainment.
Nevr seen scenes like it before in all my life, some stories going around of why its happened, trouble is us public and in middle east will all continue to suffer with the chaos they are creating trying to save themselves.
How long have you got? SNP Opposition day today. They tabled a motion calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza mostly designed to highlight
Labour’s divisions. Labour tabled its own amendment which was very slight and still called for an immediate ceasefire but one that at least most Labour MPs would back. The government tabled yet another amendment but only because they thought it would mean Labour’s wouldn’t get voted on because the usual process would be for the Speaker to allow votes on the opposition party who’s “day” it is (in this case the SNP)’s motion and the government’s. But Hoyle said all three would be voted on, sending the Tories into meltdown and (understandably enough) really pissing off the SNP. Both Tories and the SNP then walked out and refused to take part in the votes meaning Labour’s motion passed without a vote. Speaker then comes back to say sorry, close to tears and everyone basically slates him.

In short all three main parties look like absolute cunts by basically using the continuing slaughter of thousands of innocents to play political games. And the Speaker is probably toast. And I very much doubt either Netanyahu or Hamas has paid the slightest bit of notice. It really was pathetic but for about 90 minutes or so at teatime it was also blinding entertainment.
The sad and worrying part of all that is that these cunts are running the country and then its quite likely to be Labour running the country next, who are probably gonna be just as fuking useless as the lot they precede,.

Fuk my eyes! :mad:
The only person playing "political games" was Starmer, who could not allow the SNP to have the (consistently stated) moral high ground, with the support of a number of Labour MPs. A threat made to Hoyle and chaos.
The only person playing "political games" was Starmer, who could not allow the SNP to have the (consistently stated) moral high ground, with the support of a number of Labour MPs. A threat made to Hoyle and chaos.
Not sure that’s true. The SNP used their opposition day to try and embarrass Labour. Labour put undue and unfair pressure on the speaker. The speaker bowed to that pressure and did something which is well outside his remit. The Tories put down an almost identical amendment to Labour’s purely because they thought it would mean Labour’s wouldn’t go to a vote and then realised they probably didn’t have enough votes to pass their own amendment, so had a faux tantrum and refused to play anymore. It was a shit show all round for which all parties should be ashamed.
The sad and worrying part of all that is that these cunts are running the country and then its quite likely to be Labour running the country next, who are probably gonna be just as fuking useless as the lot they precede,.

Fuk my eyes! :mad:
No, they won’t be as useless even if they are dogshit, they will still be better than the current venal useless criminal gang.
The sad and worrying part of all that is that these cunts are running the country and then its quite likely to be Labour running the country next, who are probably gonna be just as fuking useless as the lot they precede,.

Fuk my eyes! :mad:
As my wife always keeps telling me, she's politically homeless, unable to vote for any of the wasters.
A debate on the conflict is fair enough even though neither Hamas nor Netanyahu are listening.
It shouldn’t be up to the SNP on opposition day to initiate a debate, the government should do so as a matter of course and invite the House to unite in the condemnation of the killings.

How naive of me in an election year to suggest such a thing when there’s an opportunity to score cheap political points over human beings being slaughtered in a foreign land.

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