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The latest Brexit b*llucks


Alan Curtis
Jul 3, 2020
Reaction score
Pego, Alicante, Spain
Something those of you who are planning visits to relatives who are residents of Spain for your free holiday need to be aware of.
There is a requirement in Spain (and probably all other EU countries) that all visitors from non EU countries, yes that's you folks, have the means if challenged at the point of entry to prove that they have return transport tickets, the means to support themselves whilst here and registered accommodation. In theory, its to stop people coming here on hols and deciding to stick around, becoming a burden on the state.
So what, you say. Well, its the bit about accommodation. If you plan to stay in the homes of friends or family, you need to produce what's known as a 'carta de invitaćion' which is an official form provided by your hosts via the police. Your hosts need to go to the local police office a month beforehand, fill out an application form for every person coming, pay 74€ PER PERSON visiting (!), go back three weeks later to pick up the document, email it to your visitors so they can produce it at the border control when challenged. No form, no entry.
As you can imagine, there is a huge kerfuffle in ex pat circles at the moment about this. It is surrounded by confusion and its not clear if this will be enforced strictly or not. Also not sure if it applies to children coming with adults or not.
You'll no doubt be saying, as many are here, oh the Spanish need our tourist business, they won't enforce this.
Don't be too sure. I can tell you the latest horror stories about how Boris's fascist regime has been treating European nationals legitimately in Britain to attend job interviews have not gone down well here. Don't expect too many favours for Brits trying to break the rules.
One of my neighbours has a 'second home' out there. Is there any impact there?

The whole thing is still almost unbelievable in its stupidity.
There are about 18 million visits to Spain in a normal year that's a lot of 74 Euro fees.
monmouth said:
One of my neighbours has a 'second home' out there. Is there any impact there?

The whole thing is still almost unbelievable in its stupidity.

Not sure yet, Monny, as I said there's still a lot of confusion surrounding it.
What we can say so far is that only those with resident status can apply for the carta de invitaćion. That rules out second home owners. If they wish to rent out their holiday homes, they need to be officially registered with the tourist authority and pay for the annual licence, then issue their rental clients with the appropriate confirmation of booking paperwork. What people need to do who only want to loan out their holiday home without charge to friends and family is still not clear.
monmouth said:
One of my neighbours has a 'second home' out there. Is there any impact there?

The whole thing is still almost unbelievable in its stupidity.

We rent an apartment in Tenerife off someone we know in Northern Ireland, and have done for over 18 years. Looks like this nonsense could put a stop to it.
Jackmanandboy said:
There are about 18 million visits to Spain in a normal year that's a lot of 74 Euro fees.

As I said, it only applies to people staying cost free with family and friends. If you're staying at a hotel, for example, your booking paperwork is sufficient to cover you.
Ex pats are already trying to work out ways around it. Like booking with hotels who don't want up front payment and who allow last minute cancellation, for example. Make the booking, print off the reservation paperwork, cancel a day or two before you fly and present the reservation if asked at the border control. As people have said, if 300 people disembark off their flight at the airport and rock up at passport control, the guy in the booth is not going to hold everybody up while they check every hotel booking. At least, you hope not....
Lifelong said:
monmouth said:
One of my neighbours has a 'second home' out there. Is there any impact there?

The whole thing is still almost unbelievable in its stupidity.

We rent an apartment in Tenerife off someone we know in Northern Ireland, and have done for over 18 years. Looks like this nonsense could put a stop to it.

Depends if your mate does it officially or not, mate, and has the appropriate tourist licence.
Pegojack said:
Jackmanandboy said:
There are about 18 million visits to Spain in a normal year that's a lot of 74 Euro fees.

As I said, it only applies to people staying cost free with family and friends. If you're staying at a hotel, for example, your booking paperwork is sufficient to cover you.
Ex pats are already trying to work out ways around it. Like booking with hotels who don't want up front payment and who allow last minute cancellation, for example. Make the booking, print off the reservation paperwork, cancel a day or two before you fly and present the reservation if asked at the border control.

If people do that to the local hotels, who then suffer themselves, then they're twats.
Lifelong said:
monmouth said:
One of my neighbours has a 'second home' out there. Is there any impact there?

The whole thing is still almost unbelievable in its stupidity.

We rent an apartment in Tenerife off someone we know in Northern Ireland, and have done for over 18 years. Looks like this nonsense could put a stop to it.

I’m sure that it won’t.
My experience of a lot of Spanish immigration staff is that they can barely be arsed to look at your passport.

Ditto travelling there in the second half of last year (also case with Italy), not one single instance of having my Covid related documents checked.
Pegojack said:
Something those of you who are planning visits to relatives who are residents of Spain for your free holiday need to be aware of.
There is a requirement in Spain (and probably all other EU countries) that all visitors from non EU countries, yes that's you folks, have the means if challenged at the point of entry to prove that they have return transport tickets, the means to support themselves whilst here and registered accommodation. In theory, its to stop people coming here on hols and deciding to stick around, becoming a burden on the state.
So what, you say. Well, its the bit about accommodation. If you plan to stay in the homes of friends or family, you need to produce what's known as a 'carta de invitaćion' which is an official form provided by your hosts via the police. Your hosts need to go to the local police office a month beforehand, fill out an application form for every person coming, pay 74€ PER PERSON visiting (!), go back three weeks later to pick up the document, email it to your visitors so they can produce it at the border control when challenged. No form, no entry.
As you can imagine, there is a huge kerfuffle in ex pat circles at the moment about this. It is surrounded by confusion and its not clear if this will be enforced strictly or not. Also not sure if it applies to children coming with adults or not.
You'll no doubt be saying, as many are here, oh the Spanish need our tourist business, they won't enforce this.
Don't be too sure. I can tell you the latest horror stories about how Boris's fascist regime has been treating European nationals legitimately in Britain to attend job interviews have not gone down well here. Don't expect too many favours for Brits trying to break the rules.

Unfortunately the ship has sailed. The Little Englanders can never admit they were wrong and are still blaming remoaners for everything.
Spain is opening up its borders and allowing UK citizens to travel with effect from Monday, meanwhile Germany is gearing up to ban Brits from entering the country. So all those German holiday makers who are freely mixing with the British holiday makers .........

You can’t make it up.
monmouth said:
One of my neighbours has a 'second home' out there. Is there any impact there?

The whole thing is still almost unbelievable in its stupidity.

Your neighbour will only be allowed for a certain amount of days in each year, just like for every non-EU visitor.

But on the bright side, think of all the reduced red tape that was promised us after Brexit, ... oh, hang on.
MajorR said:
Spain is opening up its borders and allowing UK citizens to travel with effect from Monday, meanwhile Germany is gearing up to ban Brits from entering the country. So all those German holiday makers who are freely mixing with the British holiday makers .........

You can’t make it up.

But someone made it up, which is why we are in this mess.

By the way, is The Daily Express an actual newspaper or just a mouthpiece for Brexiteers? I did buy one last week and couldn't find a positive news article in it. Maybe that was an off day.
MajorR said:
Spain is opening up its borders and allowing UK citizens to travel with effect from Monday, meanwhile Germany is gearing up to ban Brits from entering the country. So all those German holiday makers who are freely mixing with the British holiday makers .........

You can’t make it up.

Yes, when all the Brits start pouring in, then we'll know for sure if this carta de invitaćion thing is going to be enforced or not. At least a percentage of them will be coming to stay with family and friends who live out here.

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