Jack2jack said:
So the shares are not worth a w**k, then basically.
Between all the gumph and waffle that was being sprouted, that's what I thought.
But that's the same as I felt 2 hours before listening to the gumph and waffle
Certainly squirming at certain questions
Certainly taking an avoid answering at any cost approach to others.
Even coming out with the bs at the end to Andy. Constantly "we inherited"
We had our disagreements when Andy was on the board, but I never thought, let alone implied he was a lying B'satrd.
Phil picking them up for giggling at a person making a statement.
Them saying "we'll have a look at your questions and maybe answer them" to Lisa.
In other words "we'll answer with that's under NDA"
No definitive "we'll issue a statement stating the action was never against the club" Certainly thought I had voted (twice) for action against the sellers not the club
I understand that the Trust had a duty of care to try and negotiate a settlement out of court, but to be fast approaching the 6 year point without being further forward than we were, is also unacceptable.
Previous and present Trust board members need to accept their part in this debacle.
Not fuken impressed with the whole attitude of those leading the meeting.
Their actions this week, have in my honest opinion, sold the Trust membership past and present, down the river.
Certainly well passed No confidence