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Tories smashed in 2 by-elections

  • Thread starter K23
  • Start date
  • Replies: Replies 29
  • Views: Views 1,932
One swallow doesnt make a summer and all that

But Starmer has lost his chance with me (and others) in the last few weeks with how he has positioned himself on the israel-gaza conflict

He's a blue with a red ribbon.
One swallow doesnt make a summer and all that

But Starmer has lost his chance with me (and others) in the last few weeks with how he has positioned himself on the israel-gaza conflict

He's a blue with a red ribbon.
Really? So who are you going to vote for?

Whatever Starmer is, he's not a 'blue'.
Really? So who are you going to vote for?

Whatever Starmer is, he's not a 'blue'.

The only ones I can seem to align with are Greens at the moment

The only ones shouting what needs to be shouted, which is to stop arming Israel.
One swallow doesnt make a summer and all that

But Starmer has lost his chance with me (and others) in the last few weeks with how he has positioned himself on the israel-gaza conflict

He's a blue with a red ribbon.
Hardly one swallow. In the last 12 months, there have been 8 by-elections. Labour gained 6, LibDems gained 1 and the Selfservatives held one with a majority of just 495 (Johnson's old seat). BTW, I don't disagree with you on the Israel-Gaza issue but the forthcoming GE won't be fought on a single issue.
The only ones I can seem to align with are Greens at the moment

The only ones shouting what needs to be shouted, which is to stop arming Israel.
Fair enough, if a single issue dominates your vote. I would like people to shout stop the killing and accept both Israelis and Palestinians have the right to a land and to peaceful lives (so not identify one side or t'other to blame, even though Israel's response is so clearly disproportionate and Netanyahu is a disgusting inhuman monster - as are Hamas and all killers of innocent people before anyone starts).

But....the UK has zero influence and so it makes no difference. If you think Starmer (or Sunak come to that) are expressing personal opinions, I can't agree. They are seriously bound up in realpolitik, worse since Brexshit, much worse. Israel's machine is remorseless and it sickens me. Any criticism is immediately labelled jew hating antisemitism, even if it couldn't be less so. But that machine and its yank backing makes proper discourse virtually impossible.

That said, I think there is such public horror at that clearly disproportionate land grab and ethnic cleansing that not voting against a ceasefire (there's a vote next week isn't there?) can be justified in those terms rather than antisemitic, even though it would have zero actual impact or effect on the situation in Gaza. I wonder if they have the guts. My guess is no.
The only ones I can seem to align with are Greens at the moment

The only ones shouting what needs to be shouted, which is to stop arming Israel.
Maybe there could be more to it than just one single point? I mean sure they have to have other reasons why we should vote for them...
Hardly one swallow. In the last 12 months, there have been 8 by-elections. Labour gained 6, LibDems gained 1 and the Selfservatives held one with a majority of just 495 (Johnson's old seat). BTW, I don't disagree with you on the Israel-Gaza issue but the forthcoming GE won't be fought on a single issue.
Depends about how strongly people feel about any single issue. And to be fair, the issue which JJ has mentioned is one big massive issue. I can absolutely see where he is coming from.

History will look back on how world leaders backed Israel in their war crimes with horror and disgust, I'm sure of that.
One swallow doesnt make a summer and all that

But Starmer has lost his chance with me (and others) in the last few weeks with how he has positioned himself on the israel-gaza conflict

He's a blue with a red ribbon.
Like Tony Blair then.
It would seem very odd to me that someone would base their vote in a U.K. general election on a party’s stance on Israel/Gaza. Don’t get me wrong I’m all in with those who deplore how Israel is acting but neither Labour nor the Tories calling for a ceasefire is going to make a blind bit if difference to Netanyahu and his government. Whereas the U.K. is further down the shitter than it has been for 50 years after nearly 15 years of Tory fuckwittery.
It would seem very odd to me that someone would base their vote in a U.K. general election on a party’s stance on Israel/Gaza. Don’t get me wrong I’m all in with those who deplore how Israel is acting but neither Labour nor the Tories calling for a ceasefire is going to make a blind bit if difference to Netanyahu and his government. Whereas the U.K. is further down the shitter than it has been for 50 years after nearly 15 years of Tory fuckwittery.

But a clear opposition concerning the supply of arms to Israel (and others) would. The conflict in the Middle East isn't a car park scuffle happening on the Internet, the ramifications are landing on our doorstep soon and KS has shown his cards clearly.

Call it what you want, but the measure of the man is clear and he shown the type of leader he will be when elected, its not for me.

The fuckwittery isn't going to change anything but it's representative colour for the next 10 years
As much as I don't want to vote Liebour, here in the Vale I have to think tactically given we have a scum MP, who is probably the worst of the lot, the only time you hear of the c*nt is if there is a photo opportunity, in fact at the last GE he actually increased his maj, so as much as it pains me I prob will vote Liebour
Like Tony Blair then.
You mean the Tony Blair that brought in the Minimum Wage in the teeth of of Tory and business opposition, who repaired the run-down hospitals and schools that you may have been educated in, who signed the Good Friday Agreement - that Tony Blair? Tell me which of those policies the Tories would have carried out.
As much as I don't want to vote Liebour, here in the Vale I have to think tactically given we have a scum MP, who is probably the worst of the lot, the only time you hear of the c*nt is if there is a photo opportunity, in fact at the last GE he actually increased his maj, so as much as it pains me I prob will vote Liebour
I think tactical voting is going to play a bigger part in this GE than in any previous one as the priority with many people is to evict the incumbent rather than elect anyone in particular and in the majority of cases, Labour have the best chance of doing that.


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