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Trump and Tax avoidance


Tommy Hutchison
Jun 29, 2020
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Does not look too clever. No tax paid most years and liable for huge debts and a potential tax bill.
Professor said:

Does not look too clever. No tax paid most years and liable for huge debts and a potential tax bill.

Has he broken any actual law?
controversial_jack said:
Professor said:

Does not look too clever. No tax paid most years and liable for huge debts and a potential tax bill.

Has he broken any actual law?

That’s a very good question actually and it’ll be interesting to see how it pans out.
controversial_jack said:
Professor said:

Does not look too clever. No tax paid most years and liable for huge debts and a potential tax bill.

Has he broken any actual law?

It would seem not. Although this is his returns not the IRS interpretation. If the audit goes against him he will face a near 100 million tax bill along with 300 million loan repayments. I think the main point is he is not that great a businessman as he makes out and given Obama and Bush both paid more than 100K tax a year it does not look good. It also seems his campaign is broke. This, like the military are losers comments, is not an election loser in its self, but unlike 2016 he is not yet building momentum. Seems to be missing Bannon driving his campaign and I have a feeling Democrats have a lot more dirt to dish this time. Still he could yet win.
There getting desperate to pin something on him now, with all the accusations that have been thrown his way only murder seems to be missing, but try as they may he will probably get a second term by a landslide, the reaction of the haters is going to be hilarious. :D
There getting desperate to pin something on him now, with all the accusations that have been thrown his way only murder seems to be missing, but try as they may he will probably get a second term by a landslide, the reaction of the haters is going to be hilarious. :D
There getting desperate to pin something on him now, with all the accusations that have been thrown his way only murder seems to be missing, but try as they may he will probably get a second term by a landslide, the reaction of the haters is going to be hilarious. :D
Jack12345 said:
There getting desperate to pin something on him now, with all the accusations that have been thrown his way only murder seems to be missing, but try as they may he will probably get a second term by a landslide, the reaction of the haters is going to be hilarious. :D

It does not disguise the fact that he is a failed businessman, a crook and a compulsive liar. Add that to his long list of other misdemeanors.
Ebo said:
Jack12345 said:
There getting desperate to pin something on him now, with all the accusations that have been thrown his way only murder seems to be missing, but try as they may he will probably get a second term by a landslide, the reaction of the haters is going to be hilarious. :D

It does not disguise the fact that he is a failed businessman, a crook and a compulsive liar. Add that to his long list of other misdemeanors.

In days gone by, there's no way on planet earth that someone with his background and track record would ever have got anywhere near the Whitehouse but people just don't seem to care 2 hoots anymore. The same is happening here but on a different level. Trump is a complete crook whereas Johnson is a lying failed journalist and not a politician but people don't give 2 hoots about that either. Neither has any of the characteristics previously needed to be a good career politician. The sooner their respective electorates wake up, the better and positive change can be on the agenda. Not sure I'll live to see it though but I hope my children will.
Professor said:
controversial_jack said:
Has he broken any actual law?

It would seem not. Although this is his returns not the IRS interpretation. If the audit goes against him he will face a near 100 million tax bill along with 300 million loan repayments. I think the main point is he is not that great a businessman as he makes out and given Obama and Bush both paid more than 100K tax a year it does not look good. It also seems his campaign is broke. This, like the military are losers comments, is not an election loser in its self, but unlike 2016 he is not yet building momentum. Seems to be missing Bannon driving his campaign and I have a feeling Democrats have a lot more dirt to dish this time. Still he could yet win.

He's worth about $2.1 billion, so it won't ruin him
Ebo said:
Jack12345 said:
There getting desperate to pin something on him now, with all the accusations that have been thrown his way only murder seems to be missing, but try as they may he will probably get a second term by a landslide, the reaction of the haters is going to be hilarious. :D

It does not disguise the fact that he is a failed businessman, a crook and a compulsive liar. Add that to his long list of other misdemeanors.

How do you manage to get millions in the bank from successful businesses, yet keep the losses of others separate whereby you pay no tax due to this? His property alone is worth billions isn’t it?
benny said:
Ebo said:
It does not disguise the fact that he is a failed businessman, a crook and a compulsive liar. Add that to his long list of other misdemeanors.

How do you manage to get millions in the bank from successful businesses, yet keep the losses of others separate whereby you pay no tax due to this? His property alone is worth billions isn’t it?

Before he became president, there was a documentary on TV about his dodgy business deals. It was to do with his golf course in Scotland and his treatment of local crofters and an architect that never got paid, it seems to be his standard business practice. If you try to collect, he sues you. no one with any sense would do business with him.

The loan sharks he borrowed from are not going to let him off so easy. This little piggy went to market....
benny said:
Ebo said:
It does not disguise the fact that he is a failed businessman, a crook and a compulsive liar. Add that to his long list of other misdemeanors.

How do you manage to get millions in the bank from successful businesses, yet keep the losses of others separate whereby you pay no tax due to this? His property alone is worth billions isn’t it?

Most things with trump on he doesn't actually own
benny said:
Ebo said:
It does not disguise the fact that he is a failed businessman, a crook and a compulsive liar. Add that to his long list of other misdemeanors.

How do you manage to get millions in the bank from successful businesses, yet keep the losses of others separate whereby you pay no tax due to this? His property alone is worth billions isn’t it?

Not sure. Some say he's worth a couple of billion, but there's over a billion owed on those properties with due dates coming up quick in the next few years. He's got something like $500m of personally guaranteed debt. Sounds as murky as feck to me.

And yes, as B_l says, investors are also paying him to use the Trump brand.

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