Planet Swans Archives

BJB – Day 9

Home > Story Index >Day 9 In The Big Jack Brother House 31.05.03 – 8.57am – The first shock of the day. John Williams is first up and running laps around the garden. Once he has done 35 of them, he decides to take a break and wake the rest…
Sunday, 1 June 2003, 0:00

BJB – Day 8

Home >Story Index> Day 8 In The Big Jack Brother House 30.05.03 – 7.52am – It’s the day of the first eviction and the first two housemates are up. Peter Owen is looking particularly tired as Nick Rees recounts that Peter was having nightmare last night. Nick isn’t too sure…
Saturday, 31 May 2003, 0:00

BJB – Day 7

Home >Story Index> Day 7 In The Big Jack Brother House 29.06.03 – 4.02am – The housemates are given an unexpected alarm call when the fire alarms sound in the Big Jack Brother house. At first they think it is the alarm that signals that Reeco’s quiff is in favour…
Friday, 30 May 2003, 0:00

Season Tickets 2003/04

Home >Story Index> Flynn’s Rebuilding Plans Force Ticket Price Rise You know the new season is drawing closer when the club announces the season ticket prices for the coming campaign and today, Swansea City did just that. The first thing I noticed when the club’s press release landed on my…
Friday, 30 May 2003, 0:00

BJB – Day 6

Home >Story Index> Day 6 In The Big Jack Brother House 28.06.03 – 7.12am – The first two housemates up are Myra and James Thomas. They sit in the kitchen over a coffee discussing events of the week so far. Myra reveals that she has found the week very hard…
Thursday, 29 May 2003, 0:00

Trevor Ford RIP

Home > Story Index >Swans Legend Dies One of Wales’ greatest ever footballers and a true Swansea legend Trevor Ford has died at the age of 79 following a long illness. Ford was already a Swansea favourite when he was snapped up by Aston Villa and further moves followed to…
Thursday, 29 May 2003, 0:00

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