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There's plenty of blame to be spread around, since Trump signed the agreement with the Taliban last May for the US to evacuate. And we ourselves left in 2016. What happens now?

Female MPs are about to be hanged, simply because they're women. And also to be executed are everyone with connections to, or loyalty with, us.

Canada is taking 20,000 refugees. How many should we take?

As a ballpark figure, whatever the capacity of the big 6 clubs grounds is seems to me to be the minimum but we should do better = 100,000? There's not much else that we can do. How did it come to this?
Take 100k refugees? Are you serious? There are almost 30 Nato countries, let's see how many they take. Boils my piss that we let in anyone who can operate a dinghy over the channel. We dont properly vet' these people....who knows what we let in.
This has unravelled quicker than anyone could ever have possibly imagined. A significant amount of blood, sweat and tears has gone into training of local authorities against such a situation and it seems that they have basically collapsed and allowed this situation to evolve over recent days and weeks. The next humanitarian crisis is now upon us, exemplified this morning by the footage of the C17 taxiing down the runway of Kabul airport whilst at the same time an Apache helicopter tries to remove the locals from the runway.
Whoever could have predicted something like this would happen :roll:

As one Taliban commander famously said "You have the watches. We have the time".
sainthelens said:
Take 100k refugees? Are you serious? There are almost 30 Nato countries, let's see how many they take. Boils my piss that we let in anyone who can operate a dinghy over the channel. We dont properly vet' these people....who knows what we let in.

They're processed when they come ashore photo's taken fingerprints taken any documents checked etc, that's not to say some escape the net by landing elsewhere if they can I suppose, but most are escorted by Customs and the Border force once they've entered British waters.
They are basically refuges, that's not to say that a minority could become a problem I suppose.
Neath_Jack said:
Whoever could have predicted something like this would happen :roll:

As one Taliban commander famously said "You have the watches. We have the time".

We have many previous for this, interfering in other Countries issues and causing chaos then pulling out after many many life's have been lost on all sides, happened in Iraq and its happening now in Afghanistan.
At least there hasn't been another 9/11 , that's one objective it achieved, nothing much else though and it was always going to end like this
There must be a deal with the Taliban because they could have taken Kabul Airport by now. Otherwise, we’d be watching a bloodbath unfold before our eyes on live news.

Shocking the way US and UK underestimated the speed of the Taliban advance and p1ss poor planning by UN and World Food Programme who seem surprised there are refugees fleeing.

Pray for the poor people fleeing the infidels.
Pentyrchjack said:
There must be a deal with the Taliban because they could have taken Kabul Airport by now. Otherwise, we’d be watching a bloodbath unfold before our eyes on live news.

Shocking the way US and UK underestimated the speed of the Taliban advance and p1ss poor planning by UN and World Food Programme who seem surprised there are refugees fleeing.

Pray for the poor people fleeing the infidels.

The Us have secured the perimiter for the airport,The Taliban won't do anything because all they have to do is wait a couple days and then they've got free reign over the country.What a mess,The Us are making a habit out of long wars and then getting nowhere.
We should have rounded up and shot every single one of them but the pinkos wouldn’t have been happy about that,oh no,human rights and things see.
Really is horrific, seeing those people falling to their deaths off while trying to hold onto a plane taking off. I have friends who have served out there and they have lost friends, for nothing.

Risc said:
Really is horrific, seeing those people falling to their deaths off while trying to hold onto a plane taking off. I have friends who have served out there and they have lost friends, for nothing.


I saw a Taliban leader on Twitter earlier bragging about spending five years in Guantanamo Bay and now he was running the show again.
How the f*ck did he get back to Afghanistan?
He wouldn’t have gone anywhere with a bullet through his skull.
The Afghan army have been trained up for 20 yrs in preparation for this. Their President and army have downed tools and fckd off as soon as they gotta defend themselves. Cant put all the blame on Biden mun.
sainthelens said:
The Afghan army have been trained up for 20 yrs in preparation for this. Their President and army have downed tools and fckd off as soon as they gotta defend themselves. Cant put all the blame on Biden mun.

It will be interesting to see the fallout from all this. Western countries, especially the USA, must have spent a fortune training and equipping the Afghan army like you say, in preparation for this day. What have they done with all that training and equipment? The Taliban don't exactly look like they're wielding state-of-the-art weaponry, so why have the Afghan forces capitulated so easily?

Either they haven't had half the support and equipment suggested, with others lining their pockets instead, or there was an unwillingness to use these resources. It stinks and I feel so sorry for the people of Afghanistan, but it's not as if Western powers could remain there indefinitely, or we're practically back to the days of Empires.

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