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Ashley Williams

Silly boy. Mind that’s the sort of thing that happens hundreds of times all over the country every weekend. The only thing that’s wrong with kids’ football is some of the parents.
Given the treatment he would have received over the years from fans and opponents, you wonder what was said or done that would set him off. Wouldn't be surprised if it was a typical pushy football dad that knew who he was and wanted to provoke the ex-pro. Probably the highlight of the sad twat's year if so.
Not commenting on Ashley, but parent spectators in general were the bane of my life when I was a regional ref in Herefordshire and used to do kids' matches on a Sunday afternoon. All sense flies out the window when their offspring are involved.
They love to have a go at the ref or at each other. I only had to threaten to abandon a match once or twice and never did it. It was the official responsibility of the home club to police spectator behaviour, so a word with the home manager usually did the trick, and a threat of a fine and ban for the club. The FA introduced a rope barrier two metres from the pitch which spectators had to stand behind. There's also a rule no spectators can stand behind either goal line, stopping them hassling goalkeepers

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