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FAO Winston-Swansea City Centre

Keith H said:
I’m surprised you don’t know that but yes. The disgusting comments that were removed today regards a website which has one sole mission and that’s to raise money for a charity are pathetic and cowardly. However, there are a few people on here who continuously make Phil’s life hell citing this bullshit. I’ve been trying for nearly two years to find some middle ground but it doesn’t work. I’ve just spoken to Phil.

If people want to carry on their insults and destroy the productivity of Swansea Independent and this website with antagonistic posts, then crack on. I’ve given up as has Phil.

Why do you always refer to people as cowards who offer negative opinions of posters on your site? Not only that, you always put up long winded posts that are passive aggressive? Also the winking smiley at the end of them? And keyboard warriors? Wtf is that about? Just chill out.

Do you understand that people have different morals and viewpoints, so it is natural that they will discuss material they have read? Nothing malicious in that. When peoples views are posted online others will no doubt have differing ones, and everyone is free to do that, as long as things don’t get personal. Nobody is trying to bring your site down, or rubbish the cause you are running it for.
Darran said:
Can I ask you a serious question Keith?
Why don’t you ban people that make vile abhorrent posts?

Meanwhile I'm banned for pointing out his site runs on clickbait, which isn't exactly untrue, is it? If you're gonna go down that route, at least grow a thicker skin and own it

Keith, your passive aggressive demenour do not reflect well on you or your site, which is a shame given the cause you're supporting

Nobody is hiding behind illness, and certainly not behind a keyboard either. If you want my details you're welcome to them - I've got nothing to hide or to hide from
Keith H said:
Darran said:
Can I ask you a serious question Keith?
Why don’t you ban people that make vile abhorrent posts?

We do that’s why you are banned along with numerous others. The s**t always starts on here, your ability to not be able to debate is evident from the huge amount of posts you make about Swansea Independent. It’s obsessive but as I said, I’m out. I’m done. I’ve given up as has Phil.

Yon don’t and I can debate with anyone so I’ll ask you now to give some examples of the huge amount of posts I make about Swansea Independent,you won’t because you can’t and its just a lie.
Beats me why so many people get so aeriated about social media and what is posted on forums. I'm not defending anyone here, but if you don't like what is being said, don't participate. Stay off it.

Otherwise to those keyboard warriors who just can't help themselves, use my simple rule before hitting "submit" and that is "would I stand in the middle of the Quadrant on a Saturday morning and shout out what I'm just about to post"
Keith H said:
Can you give me an example of one post that could be described as you say ?
We got rid of the trolls, they are on here otherwise we wouldn’t be speaking. This thread before it was edited stated just that without any evidence. And now for you to say that is equally as pathetic, where is your proof because apparently YOU don’t know what I’m referring to. It’s either one thing or the other ? Make your mind up. It’s unfounded.

I honestly have no idea what you’re referring to. All I could see was you crying about mean things being said about your awful, awful site.

If you can’t identify the problematic posts on your own site you shouldn’t be a site owner.
BLAZE said:
Darran said:
Can I ask you a serious question Keith?
Why don’t you ban people that make vile abhorrent posts?

Meanwhile I'm banned for pointing out his site runs on clickbait, which isn't exactly untrue, is it? If you're gonna go down that route, at least grow a thicker skin and own it

Of course it’s clicks, quantity is more important than quality. Jack123 posts are allowed to sit there for enough time to generate the volley of responses that they deserve. Trample and Dimi are allowed to go hammer and tongs all day as it drives traffic. DGT, Perch, Dimi and the like are now allowed back in even though they are despised by the admin.
Professor said:
There is a very negative thread on the other forum. I was in Swansea on Wednesday and encouraged by the Copr Bay redevelopment. I paid £2 to park- that would have been £5 in Chester or Liverpool. Chester centre is almost as run down as Swansea (despite greater wealth) with few shops of note-though lots of eateries. As you have said before the small city/large town for shopping has been largely superseded by online or destination cities such as B'ham, Manchester, Liverpool and Cardiff. Even places like Bath and Chester have suffered.

I really could see a way forward for Swansea. The Quadrant is no longer needed. It should go, and look at a more 'street mall' structure like the excellent Liverpool One which is as much leisure as retail. The days of an anchor tenant department store are gone-unless you already have a John Lewis you ain't getting one now- the Chester out of town one has gone. What Swansea has is a world class market, a marina and a good beach. An open plan space which rolls into existing shopping streets and a smaller retail footprint could work. Shame Tesco is there really. It just needs re-invention as a place to go for the day or weekend.

I'm not replying there as I have a self-imposed ban

Back to topic...

Cheers Prof. I am encouraged by the way things have been going. There does seem to be an actual plan for the future in Swansea that doesn't involve chucking up swathes of retail space that will, in all likelihood, be unnecessary a generation from now. Lessons have seemingly been learned from the mistakes of the past. A mix of leisure, retail and work should cover most bases.

It's a shame that perhaps the single biggest thing that could be done to tie the city and the sea together is a non-starter based on cost. Sinking Oystermouth Road into a tunnel between say the Maritime Museum and the prison could really fuse the two but would be prohibitively expensive.

I am probably guilty of never missing an opportunity to rub the Wirral Village Idiot's nose in his own stupidity and hatred for the city he claims to love, but I make no apologies for it. Most people are aware that the problems that Swansea faces are far from unique to Swansea, but some seem to revel in pretending otherwise.
Keith H said:
Darran said:
Can I ask you a serious question Keith?
Why don’t you ban people that make vile abhorrent posts?

We do that’s why you are banned along with numerous others.

Who are these numerous others that you keep mentioning?
I’m a mod on Swansea Independent and I also like coming on here to read and contribute. If I see anything at all on SI that’s remotely as people have described, I’ll delete it and inform Keith of what has been posted with possible action being taken.

I’ve seen vile things on both sites. The fault of that is the fault of the poster. Not Keith nor the site owner on here.

As Keith said, he’s set up SI to help with charity, I like both sites, not always all posters. I’ve got some on ignore and some who I like. Like life.

Have a lovely day everyone
Sirjohnalot said:
I’m a mod on Swansea Independent and I also like coming on here to read and contribute. If I see anything at all on SI that’s remotely as people have described, I’ll delete it and inform Keith of what has been posted with possible action being taken.

I’ve seen vile things on both sites. The fault of that is the fault of the poster. Not Keith nor the site owner on here.

As Keith said, he’s set up SI to help with charity, I like both sites, not always all posters. I’ve got some on ignore and some who I like. Like life.

Have a lovely day everyone
John, I have the utmost respect for you, but it is somewhat disappointing that Keith has now chosen to attack people on SI by starting a thread. I explained my reasons why I will no longer post there and although I agree the worst stuff is now more regularly getting pulled, there has been a record of some pretty extreme right wing and white supremacist material posted. In the main this has been removed, but there are still elements of racism, misogyny and homophobia.

If Keith wishes to stir up divide that's up to him. I certainly don't agree with every comment on here and my view is that sometimes individuals can be more tempered in their replies. It's a shame that Keith decided to actually derail what was meant to be a genuine point around regeneration.
Sirjohnalot said:
I’m a mod on Swansea Independent and I also like coming on here to read and contribute. If I see anything at all on SI that’s remotely as people have described, I’ll delete it and inform Keith of what has been posted with possible action being taken.

I’ve seen vile things on both sites. The fault of that is the fault of the poster. Not Keith nor the site owner on here.

As Keith said, he’s set up SI to help with charity, I like both sites, not always all posters. I’ve got some on ignore and some who I like. Like life.

Have a lovely day everyone

Johhny, what is your opinion of the thread the site owner has posted (again) calling people cowards? And the subsequent passive aggressive threats which then follow (as usual)? You're a legal man, you better hope that no harm comes to anyone from that lot, it wouldn't look good on you (site moderator) that's for sure. Threads can be deleted, screenshots can't.

All a but silly really isn't it.
There’s a post on there now from Keith’s brother saying Jack123 was bullied on here.
That’s the same Jack123 that posted on SI two weeks ago in response to there being too many gay people on tv that they’ll be normalising pedophilia next.
Be honest why are people saying such things.
Neath_Jack said:
Sirjohnalot said:
I’m a mod on Swansea Independent and I also like coming on here to read and contribute. If I see anything at all on SI that’s remotely as people have described, I’ll delete it and inform Keith of what has been posted with possible action being taken.

I’ve seen vile things on both sites. The fault of that is the fault of the poster. Not Keith nor the site owner on here.

As Keith said, he’s set up SI to help with charity, I like both sites, not always all posters. I’ve got some on ignore and some who I like. Like life.

Have a lovely day everyone

Johhny, what is your opinion of the thread the site owner has posted (again) calling people cowards? And the subsequent passive aggressive threats which then follow (as usual)? You're a legal man, you better hope that no harm comes to anyone from that lot, it wouldn't look good on you (site moderator) that's for sure. Threads can be deleted, screenshots can't.

All a but silly really isn't it.

All I can re my responsibility. It’s only to what I write. This is not my job, I do not read all threads or all posts. I click on every now and then and look at posts I find interesting. If anything is reposted which may be abusive, I’ll have a look and if it is I delete it.

People are adults and should behave as such. It’s a football forum, people need to grow up and stop posting nasty things to each other. Find the whole thing bizarre to be honest, come on, have a read, have a debate but there’s no need for anyone, on either site, whoever they are, to post horrible stuff. Easy as that really
Sirjohnalot said:
Neath_Jack said:
Johhny, what is your opinion of the thread the site owner has posted (again) calling people cowards? And the subsequent passive aggressive threats which then follow (as usual)? You're a legal man, you better hope that no harm comes to anyone from that lot, it wouldn't look good on you (site moderator) that's for sure. Threads can be deleted, screenshots can't.

All a but silly really isn't it.

All I can re my responsibility. It’s only to what I write. This is not my job, I do not read all threads or all posts. I click on every now and then and look at posts I find interesting. If anything is reposted which may be abusive, I’ll have a look and if it is I delete it.

People are adults and should behave as such. It’s a football forum, people need to grow up and stop posting nasty things to each other. Find the whole thing bizarre to be honest, come on, have a read, have a debate but there’s no need for anyone, on either site, whoever they are, to post horrible stuff. Easy as that really

Who’s posted nasty things to each other?

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