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Freedom of speech / saying what you want


Roger Freestone
Jun 23, 2020
Reaction score
A garage in Canoga Park
What is it with some people?
Why do they feel the need to make a comment?
I saw a tweet earlier where Chester Bennington the lead singer of Linkin Park got down off the stage to sing to a young disabled girl in a wheelchair.
For those that don’t know Chester took his own life in 2017 completely shocking his close family,friends and band mates who had no inclination whatsoever there was anything wrong with him.
I watched the video earlier,thought it was great and sweet then I had a look at the comments to see what people were saying?
Why? Why would you type this out and post it?
Why,even if you thought it why would you make it public for the world to read how much of a c*nt you are?
It absolutely baffles me.

Darran said:
What is it with some people?
Why do they feel the need to make a comment?
I saw a tweet earlier where Chester Bennington the lead singer of Linkin Park got down off the stage to sing to a young disabled girl in a wheelchair.
For those that don’t know Chester took his own life in 2017 completely shocking his close family,friends and band mates who had no inclination whatsoever there was anything wrong with him.
I watched the video earlier,thought it was great and sweet then I had a look at the comments to see what people were saying?
Why? Why would you type this out and post it?
Why,even if you thought it why would you make it public for the world to read how much of a c*nt you are?
It absolutely baffles me.


If he had posted that in a remembrance type thread, or a thread announcing his death I’d agree with you. It’s just another Twitter opinion on any given subject. He wasn’t being rude or anything, its something you’d hear discussed in a pub or suchlike.
Neath_Jack said:
Darran said:
What is it with some people?
Why do they feel the need to make a comment?
I saw a tweet earlier where Chester Bennington the lead singer of Linkin Park got down off the stage to sing to a young disabled girl in a wheelchair.
For those that don’t know Chester took his own life in 2017 completely shocking his close family,friends and band mates who had no inclination whatsoever there was anything wrong with him.
I watched the video earlier,thought it was great and sweet then I had a look at the comments to see what people were saying?
Why? Why would you type this out and post it?
Why,even if you thought it why would you make it public for the world to read how much of a c*nt you are?
It absolutely baffles me.


If he had posted that in a remembrance type thread, or a thread announcing his death I’d agree with you. It’s just another Twitter opinion on any given subject. He wasn’t being rude or anything, its something you’d hear discussed in a pub or suchlike.

Yeah I get what you’re saying I just don’t understand why people feel the need to make a comment like that especially on something that is meant to be nice.
Darran said:
Neath_Jack said:
If he had posted that in a remembrance type thread, or a thread announcing his death I’d agree with you. It’s just another Twitter opinion on any given subject. He wasn’t being rude or anything, its something you’d hear discussed in a pub or suchlike.

Yeah I get what you’re saying I just don’t understand why people feel the need to make a comment like that especially on something that is meant to be nice.

" I just don’t understand why people feel the need to make a comment like that especially on something that is meant to be nice."

Says Lord "Fuk 'em!" :lol:
I have always held the view that Twitter is poisonous through and through, an environment populated by moronic keyboard warriors. For evidence in my argument go and look at some of the comments relating to the story about the young man killed today in Greece as he was exiting a helicopter. Unbelievable.
legoman said:
I have always held the view that Twitter is poisonous through and through, an environment populated by moronic keyboard warriors. For evidence in my argument go and look at some of the comments relating to the story about the young man killed today in Greece as he was exiting a helicopter. Unbelievable.

And as I’ve told you before you are completely wrong.
People are poisonous.
Darran said:
legoman said:
I have always held the view that Twitter is poisonous through and through, an environment populated by moronic keyboard warriors. For evidence in my argument go and look at some of the comments relating to the story about the young man killed today in Greece as he was exiting a helicopter. Unbelievable.

And as I’ve told you before you are completely wrong.
People are poisonous.

Opinions, old boy, opinions and you are as welcome to yours as I am to mine, as my post says "in my view".
Twitter isn’t the problem. Some of the people who use it are. Same goes for any social media outlet.
Social media is full of nosey parkers with no life at all.
A mwsh in work always seems to know everything about everyone.
I asked him one day how he knew so much.
"Facebook, I look them up"
He doesn't even speak to many he knows so much about!!!!
exiledclaseboy said:
Twitter isn’t the problem. Some of the people who use it are. Same goes for any social media outlet.

I understood your comment but for me the way Twitter is constructed makes it all too easy for the stupid to air their views. Twitter might, in itself, not be the problem, it's the d*ckheads it attracts that is the problem.

Remember this is my opinion. Other opinions are available
legoman said:
exiledclaseboy said:
Twitter isn’t the problem. Some of the people who use it are. Same goes for any social media outlet.

I understood your comment but for me the way Twitter is constructed makes it all too easy for the stupid to air their views. Twitter might, in itself, not be the problem, it's the d*ckheads it attracts that is the problem.

Remember this is my opinion. Other opinions are available

No different from other social media, including football forums. People that are that way inclined will be pricks on any platform. Twitter is fantastic, breathtaking on times, you follow what interests you, and everyone else fades into the big black hole.
Neath_Jack said:
legoman said:

I understood your comment but for me the way Twitter is constructed makes it all too easy for the stupid to air their views. Twitter might, in itself, not be the problem, it's the d*ckheads it attracts that is the problem.

Remember this is my opinion. Other opinions are available

No different from other social media, including football forums. People that are that way inclined will be pricks on any platform. Twitter is fantastic, breathtaking on times, you follow what interests you, and everyone else fades into the big black hole.

Well said.
Neath_Jack said:
legoman said:

I understood your comment but for me the way Twitter is constructed makes it all too easy for the stupid to air their views. Twitter might, in itself, not be the problem, it's the d*ckheads it attracts that is the problem.

Remember this is my opinion. Other opinions are available

No different from other social media, including football forums. People that are that way inclined will be pricks on any platform. Twitter is fantastic, breathtaking on times, you follow what interests you, and everyone else fades into the big black hole.

I respect your opinion. I'm intrigued though by your assertion that Twitter is "breathtaking on times". How so and I'm genuinely interested in your reply, and I'm really not trying to be a wum. Whenever I've been on Twitter it seems more like "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest” with each poster trying to outsmart those before.

I truly find it baffling how Twitter has become so popular
I sometimes despair at social media and all the toxicity and poison it brings to peoples lives alas , for some these days , this is their way of life and thinking , they know very little alternatives to communicate .

Yes I use the web for updates but also remember putting a 2p coin in the slot when the pips sounded on our village phone box , at least I was communicating with people I knew then .

As John McClean was told I am an analogue watch in a digital age , love it .
legoman said:
Neath_Jack said:
No different from other social media, including football forums. People that are that way inclined will be pricks on any platform. Twitter is fantastic, breathtaking on times, you follow what interests you, and everyone else fades into the big black hole.

I respect your opinion. I'm intrigued though by your assertion that Twitter is "breathtaking on times". How so and I'm genuinely interested in your reply, and I'm really not trying to be a wum. Whenever I've been on Twitter it seems more like "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest” with each poster trying to outsmart those before.

I truly find it baffling how Twitter has become so popular

My breathtaking will be different to what you find breathtaking mate. But from amazing photographs of nature and scenery, to videos of human achievements, story's of people overcoming the odds. All this for free, and 7 days a week. If you gave me the choice of having a TV or Twitter, the later would win without a second thought.

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