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Getting through the day


Alan Waddle
Jun 28, 2020
Reaction score
Hi guys, I often struggle to get up in the morning due to depression/anxiety.

How do I get through the day?
BanosSwan said:
Hi guys, I often struggle to get up in the morning due to depression/anxiety.

How do I get through the day?

Have a read of pages like this and there are plenty out there.


Don't struggle alone. PM's always open.
Cooperman said:
BanosSwan said:
Hi guys, I often struggle to get up in the morning due to depression/anxiety.

How do I get through the day?

Have a read of pages like this and there are plenty out there.


Don't struggle alone. PM's always open.

Thanks, I'm new to meditation but it does help. Paid a lot for the calm app, it's definitely worth it.
BanosSwan said:
Cooperman said:
Have a read of pages like this and there are plenty out there.


Don't struggle alone. PM's always open.

Thanks, I'm new to meditation but it does help. Paid a lot for the calm app, it's definitely worth it.

Get help from whatever source you are comfortable with.
Good luck mate.
DJack said:
BanosSwan said:
Thanks, I'm new to meditation but it does help. Paid a lot for the calm app, it's definitely worth it.

Get help from whatever source you are comfortable with.
Good luck mate.

I'd argue that meds don't work. I've had top levels of citalalopram, sertraline (twice as much as the batman killer in Denver), fluoxetine and now duloxetine.

I still struggle to get up.

I do because I need to earn for my family, when there's work on offer.

May to September, no work because of coronavirus. I lay in bed until 4/5 pm. I don't bathe for at least a week at a time.
I argue with my wife that I'm ok, I'm not.
BanosSwan said:
DJack said:
Get help from whatever source you are comfortable with.
Good luck mate.

I'd argue that meds don't work. I've had top levels of citalalopram, sertraline (twice as much as the batman killer in Denver), fluoxetine and now duloxetine.

I still struggle to get up.

I do because I need to earn for my family, when there's work on offer.

May to September, no work because of coronavirus. I lay in bed until 4/5 pm. I don't bathe for at least a week at a time.
I argue with my wife that I'm ok, I'm not.

May I politely suggest that you get off your arse...

& get some fresh air via a walk - thinking time, time to appreciate what you do have. Do some streuous exercise a few days a week, use your calm app and look into CBT, occasionally treat yourself.

Additionally if you have some spare cash pay for some couselling.

All the best.

All the best.
BanosSwan said:
DJack said:
Get help from whatever source you are comfortable with.
Good luck mate.

I'd argue that meds don't work. I've had top levels of citalalopram, sertraline (twice as much as the batman killer in Denver), fluoxetine and now duloxetine.

I still struggle to get up.

I do because I need to earn for my family, when there's work on offer.

May to September, no work because of coronavirus. I lay in bed until 4/5 pm. I don't bathe for at least a week at a time.
I argue with my wife that I'm ok, I'm not.

Meds are not the long term solution but can help to keep things under some sort of control. DJack has covered some of the other suggestions I could make but counselling is the best way forward IMO, talking to someone professional who understands your condition, because no matter how well meaning friends & relatives may be, they won't understand unless they've been there themselves.

Good luck mate.
If you have a garden, or any outdoor space, I would recommend gardening to help with mental health. The physical effort is part of it, but mainly the self satisfaction of growing and eating your own vegetables, or seeing bees and butterflies visit flowers that you have grown, I find very therapeutic indeed buddy. All the best of luck to you buddy.
Had a family member years back who suffered with depression and didn't make it. So I'm with you pal. You can get through it...but....you really need to give it everything to recover. May sound so simple, but walking, and as far as you can will help. Say hello to passing strangers , take a flask of coffee. You'll come home refreshed and feeling better. Meds are shit,they didn't help my relative.
Good luck buddy.

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