BrynCartwright said:
Let's just say, of late, I've become a bit of a porker. I've put on more and more weight since giving up the fags in Sept 2018.
This is not acceptable in my early 50s.
In January I will be cutting down massively on the booze, but has anyone successfully shed a load of weight using a plan or diet I can copy?
Yes, well done for giving up the fags Bryn - that's a massive achievement. I was always a skinny boy, but as my career became more and more sedentary , my weight piled on. Then, I was travelling all over the world and fast/reward food was the order of the day so it got worse! After a few false starts (to falter is not to fail remember), 7 years ago I lost 4 stone (I'm 58, 5ft 9" and under 12 stone now), and have kept it off. I could write a book on this, but importantly the solutions for everyone differ - for me, it was a little in every area including more vegetables, better portion/plate size, not eating late, reduce takeaways, a little exercise with or without the dog (if I can walk or cycle anywhere, I will), switching to G&T's, etc. etc. weighing every day - I still do - you need to know how your body works and what exactly affects it (we're all different). I did things like buying new jeans as soon as I could get into them (this is a financial incentive!) but ironically they all became too big too! I went from size 40" to 32" now. I bought new motorbike gear too, and I'm not about to waste that cash either!
My health improved massively - I used to get really bad chest infections 2-3 times a year, but I have had only one cold in the last 7 years. Maybe that's all the garlic I eat though - I've had a 2m+ social distance around me for years! I feel great, oh and when I go out, all bets are off and I go for it - but I will pull the reigns in over the coming days.
I've mentioned this on another thread - I believe we have to get our health in the best possible place to improve our chances vs Covid - try to avoid that "underlying health conditions" category if you possibly can. As was said above, don't even attempt a diet over Crimbo but once you make the decision, you will not fail in the end, trust me. It really is all in the mind. Good luck, and if anyone needs advice from someone who's done it PM me by all means and I will help.