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Luke Williams

Money does not grow on trees, we have been punching well above our weight for many years and now our realistic position is being found again. Do we really think any new investors will plough in millions to get us promoted? Time to stop living in the past.
We didn't spend millions getting from League 2 to the premiership, but what we did do was buy wisely, and have a plan on how we would play. Angel, Pratley, Ashley Williams, Scott sinclair, Leon Britton etc. These players never cost millions .
West Brom on Sat will be a real moment of truth. He can start by picking players in their best position. The decision to let Plachetta go is even more bizarre given we only have Ronald who can play wide.
West Brom on Sat will be a real moment of truth. He can start by picking players in their best position. The decision to let Plachetta go is even more bizarre given we only have Ronald who can play wide.
I know that Plachetta had his injury issues but he was a committed player who wanted to play on the front foot and worried defences. Final pass was poor but that can be excused to a point due to our general play. I would have been happy to give him a contract. One within reason acceptable to him of course
I was lost for words and couldn't come on this board after that sh1tsh0w last night. I was struggling to find any positives for a single player (Vigouroux can be left out of the equation). The tactics looked like a poor version of that awful Martinball we painfully endured when I used to actually scream. Those memories presented themselves a number of times during that game.
The substitutions were awful and as a manager Williams could see it clearly wasnt working so why, oh why, leave it as it was.
I'm praying that was a collective bad day at the office otherwise we wont be playing Wrexham next season.
Why do other teams look so threatening when the clock is running down when they are behind by a single goal and we are still knocking it back to the centre halves almost from the attacking corner flag!
These owners are paying them millions mun, this myth that they're not backing them is mental, they're putting in millions every year just to stay solvent

It's good that they're prepared to put in millions to keep us solvent, sure.

But you have to offset that by acknowledging that a large part of the reason the club isn't self sustaining is because of the slapdash way they've been running it for several years.

Effectively, they're throwing their own money at a problem of their own making.
We didn't spend millions getting from League 2 to the premiership, but what we did do was buy wisely, and have a plan on how we would play. Angel, Pratley, Ashley Williams, Scott sinclair, Leon Britton etc. These players never cost millions .
Swansea had something unique at that time. They had spotted the power of playing on the floor, short passes and holding possession. No one else in the English leagues was doing it, none of them knew how to play against it, so it was very successful.

That advantage is gone. Every team knows how to deal with it now. Tactically football has moved on, Barcelona and Spain have moved on, they don't play that way any longer.

Now it's a useful style to drop in and out of, but if you only play that way, it's not going to work.

In business, what Swansea did to get into the Premier League is known as stealing a march on the market.
Needs at least a couple of months yet

Worrying though. Looking clueless
Cnnt leave scoring to just Culls and Vip. Another proven goalscorer is essential. Not enough goals or goalscorers
Cnnt leave scoring to just Culls and Vip. Another proven goalscorer is essential. Not enough goals or goalscorers
Haven't had many goals from midfield for years , Grimes, Fulton, virtually nothing from them apart from Grimes taking penalties. Said it for years, we need a Darren pratley type box to box midfielder that can score some goals. There must be a decent midfielder in League one that can make the step up. Could he possibly be worse than Fulton?
I'm sick and tired of hearing people bang on about all the 'clueless', 'fraud' managers we've been having here, yet every single manager we've had since we're back in the Championship apart from Duff, who was actually clueless at this level, have gone on to manage in the Premier League - 3 out of bleedin 4!! Give your heads a wobble your performances on here and on social media are even more shocking than what we saw on the pitch last night.

All it showed me was that this new French guy can't cross for toffee and Abdulahi is hardy better, we have a serious lack of depth, and that this style of play we have is going to be lacking against teams that sit back and defend in numbers as Wickham did once they got their noses in front.
I'm sick and tired of hearing people bang on about all the 'clueless', 'fraud' managers we've been having here, yet every single manager we've had since we're back in the Championship apart from Duff, who was actually clueless at this level, have gone on to manage in the Premier League - 3 out of bleedin 4!! Give your heads a wobble your performances on here and on social media are even more shocking than what we saw on the pitch last night.

All it showed me was that this new French guy can't cross for toffee and Abdulahi is hardy better, we have a serious lack of depth, and that this style of play we have is going to be lacking against teams that sit back and defend in numbers as Wickham did once they got their noses in front.
Football is essentially an entertainment business. At the moment we aren't very entertaining.
Football is essentially an entertainment business. At the moment we aren't very entertaining.

Being a lower mid-table team for the last few seasons doesn't help here either. We've mostly been good enough to stay out of the relegation battle and nowhere near good enough to threaten the playoffs, so even if we do win it doesn't really matter that much since we're only bouncing around the middle somewhere. Plus we've been in this division for ages now, so there's not much novely in the games either.

Not saying we're anywhere near as exciting as those teams, but when Roberto/Brendan were in charge we were always competing for the top 2/top 6 so even if a particular game wasn't that great to watch, it always had something riding on it. Christ I even vaguely enjoyed Sousa's season of going 1-0 up and then daring teams to break us down.
Potter - buggered off first opportunity he got

Cooper - preferred to put himself out of work rather than stay here, and spent his last 6 months here with his agent desperately sales pitching him to other clubs

Martin - buggered off first opportunity he got

Duff - was a disaster, but he could justifiably point at his work at Cheltenham and Barnsley before coming here as mitigation

We can criticise Williams all we like, but sooner or later the penny has to drop that we're a bit of a amateurish club that up and coming coaches use for a bit of CV polishing but who then leave to join more serious outfits.

That's where we are. The problems have never really been the coaches - they're a symptom, but not the disease itself
There's a lot of truth to this, we come across as unprofessional despite having brilliant facilities and coaching.

I hate the "job for the boys" thing that hasn't left even after the buy out. We need to spend money, but do it properly and I wouldn't mind seeing some accoubtability for performances like last night.

At what point does someone in the set up turn around and tell players they didn't even turn up when hard working fans could?
Being a lower mid-table team for the last few seasons doesn't help here either. We've mostly been good enough to stay out of the relegation battle and nowhere near good enough to threaten the playoffs, so even if we do win it doesn't really matter that much since we're only bouncing around the middle somewhere. Plus we've been in this division for ages now, so there's not much novely in the games either.

Not saying we're anywhere near as exciting as those teams, but when Roberto/Brendan were in charge we were always competing for the top 2/top 6 so even if a particular game wasn't that great to watch, it always had something riding on it. Christ I even vaguely enjoyed Sousa's season of going 1-0 up and then daring teams to break us down.
Stockholm Syndrome.
Got big worries that Vibotnik ( wotever his fckn name is) is gonna be the new Shecter.
Said before, they appoint the right people but unfortunately don't give them the right tools to get the job finished.
Or they continually pick up a screwdriver and try to bang a nail in with it (managers picking Grimes in CM).

Coventry City v Swansea City

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