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Mobile Phone


Staff member
Jul 6, 2020
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Was reading a couple of articles yesterday around mobile phones and their usage.

Since lockdown in March it was saying that people are now reliant more on a phone especially if out in a pub or restaurant to order food/drinks or even just to complete the track and trace. Add to that storing payment methods on phones etc.

However, I have started to more and more leave the phone at home when I am out or just put it in a pocket and not look at it. What's everyones views on mobiles? We have two teenagers on the house and getting them to extract themselves sometimes is hard work but we manage it (sometimes :lol: _ are you using yours more or less?

I also admit I rarely answer mine unless I recognise the number and 99 times out of 100 I would say its on silent anyway - I work on a principle that if someone really wants to speak to me they will leave a voicemail :lol:

All I need to do now is work out how I can completely avoid it all day in work :D
Tend to use mine more for reading ebooks and checking the internet than I ever do for making calls/texts. It's basically just a pocket PC at this point.
Dr. Winston said:
Tend to use mine more for reading ebooks and checking the internet than I ever do for making calls/texts. It's basically just a pocket PC at this point.

You can make phone calls on smartphones?!
Darran said:
We watched the new documentary The Social Dilemma the other night.
Very interesting.

What channel?
Mine's always on silent and I rarely answer. Use it mostly for emails and Planet Swans, hence why I can't spell.
It's no longer a mobile phone in anything but name. It's my tool of choice for banking, betting, source of news, general browsing, travel planning, social media, shopping, sat nav and so on.

According to the iOS reporting tool my average daily screen time is upwards of six hours per day and I don't see that decreasing any time in the near future.

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