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Players' fitness

  • Thread starter Jinxy
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  • Replies: Replies 21
  • Views: Views 3,896
He seems valued by this current manager, last one and by the players apparently. He reminds me of Jack Cork in some ways - reads the game well, anticipates and always seems to be in the right place at the right time - senses danger. Very nice unassuming guy, loves the area, little one on the way etc.. I know they aren't footballing reasons to keep/stay, but they help. For me, the only thing Grimes really lacks is confidence, which this manager may well help him with.

I hope, like Jack Cork, if we're honest we don't realise how valuable he is after he's gone. I, for one, really hope he stays but really wouldn't blame him if he went.
Jinxy said:
He seems valued by this current manager, last one and by the players apparently. He reminds me of Jack Cork in some ways - reads the game well, anticipates and always seems to be in the right place at the right time - senses danger. Very nice unassuming guy, loves the area, little one on the way etc.. I know they aren't footballing reasons to keep/stay, but they help. For me, the only thing Grimes really lacks is confidence, which this manager may well help him with.

I hope, like Jack Cork, if we're honest we don't realise how valuable he is after he's gone. I, for one, really hope he stays but really wouldn't blame him if he went.

Remember when everyone was loving it we got 10M for Cork and brought in Roque Mesa, that worked out well.
If the boss doesn’t think the players are fit enough to play his style why didn’t he change tactics (like passing ahead rather than back).

I could see than Manning was shattered 2nd half and I’m not surprised as he was doing all the tiki taka heart in mouth Stuff with Benda in first 45mins.

Martin’s style is certainly mentally exhausting.
Jinxy said:
In my view - up to the mid midfield areas, the main ingredients needed for attacking with possession are discipline, good instructions, training, practice, fitness and determination to stick to the plot. Then you need creativity and more (expensive) talent in the final third. We sort of lacked all those last night, but Rome wasn't built in a day. I had heard from a good source that fitness may have been an issue, hence going long over the past few seasons (as well as Cooper's tactics of course). Martin will change some faces for sure - the question is how much patience will the owners have, and funding too. Also, if Martin feels he can't implement his style with these faces what does he do if he can't change personnel quickly enough?

I think Martin could be the best thing that's happened for us for years (strange how he wasn't first choice), I just hope he's supported by everyone around him, including us.
yet more myth I keep posting highlights including the match v Stoke at home last season no eveidence there of going long its all made up...and dont forget we had the so called fatigue issue last season too.Pro footballers have a duty to keep up their fitness levels duringclose season so why havent they ?
The last Swanse manager to question fitness levels was Monk who had the squad in doing extra fitness sessions as he didnt feel that the usless Laudrup had worked the squad hard enough...and what football did Monk play?
Pentyrchjack said:
If the boss doesn’t think the players are fit enough to play his style why didn’t he change tactics (like passing ahead rather than back).

I could see than Manning was shattered 2nd half and I’m not surprised as he was doing all the tiki taka heart in mouth Stuff with Benda in first 45mins.

Martin’s style is certainly mentally exhausting.

Because he wants to play a certain way and either the players will shape up or be shipped out.

Everyone knows how Martin wants to play. It’s the opposite to how Cooper played and was slated for. Not sure why it comes as any surprise to anyone to be quite honest.

If people don’t like it, I suggest they stop watching us until such time it clicks into place, whenever that is. I am sure the real fans will stick with it whilst we go through the transition
ARQS said:
Pentyrchjack said:
If the boss doesn’t think the players are fit enough to play his style why didn’t he change tactics (like passing ahead rather than back).

I could see than Manning was shattered 2nd half and I’m not surprised as he was doing all the tiki taka heart in mouth Stuff with Benda in first 45mins.

Martin’s style is certainly mentally exhausting.

Because he wants to play a certain way and either the players will shape up or be shipped out.

Everyone knows how Martin wants to play. It’s the opposite to how Cooper played and was slated for. Not sure why it comes as any surprise to anyone to be quite honest.

If people don’t like it, I suggest they stop watching us until such time it clicks into place, whenever that is. I am sure the real fans will stick with it whilst we go through the transition

Thanks Russell.
LeonWasTheDog's said:
I think he needs to be a bit more honest in his reflections. Yes we didn't look sharp and it certainly looks like we don't have the fitness to regularly move and make create space, let alone press. But to say that he thought the game was close is ridiculous.

It was close!
Stoke were all over us for the opening 15 minutes but their goals came from another Manning reckless challenge and then a left side defence found wanting.
Clucas' was an error by Grimes followed by Cooper, Bidwell, Grimes and possibly Downes bling back.
3rd Benda obstructed and then ping pong inside the six yard box. Everything else was fairly even.

Coventry City v Swansea City

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