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So you could recover from the coronavirus

  • Thread starter Dgt73
  • Start date
  • Replies: Replies 53
  • Views: Views 13,312
Cooperman said:
controversial_jack said:
Cases have been rising since we eased up, so obviously, lockdown worked.

I think you have already been told this at least one hundred times but I'll have another go myself. The volume of testing being conducted today is multiple times more than what is was in recent months. Go and have a look at the Twitter account of @UKCovid19Stats as they share and present the big picture.
It has increased certainly, but not as much as that.Testing can only be done if those come forward. I often wonder how ppl who can't drive can get tested as the testing sites are few and far between
controversial_jack said:
Cooperman said:
I think you have already been told this at least one hundred times but I'll have another go myself. The volume of testing being conducted today is multiple times more than what is was in recent months. Go and have a look at the Twitter account of @UKCovid19Stats as they share and present the big picture.
It has increased certainly, but not as much as that.Testing can only be done if those come forward. I often wonder how ppl who can't drive can get tested as the testing sites are few and far between

I had my test delivered to the front door. A day later someone collected it. I don’t think I got out of my pyjamas in the interim.
Cooperman said:
controversial_jack said:
It has increased certainly, but not as much as that.Testing can only be done if those come forward. I often wonder how ppl who can't drive can get tested as the testing sites are few and far between

I had my test delivered to the front door. A day later someone collected it. I don’t think I got out of my pyjamas in the interim.

Lazy bstard ;)
BanosSwan said:
Cooperman said:
I had my test delivered to the front door. A day later someone collected it. I don’t think I got out of my pyjamas in the interim.

Lazy bstard ;)

Is that you, love?
Dgt73 said:
Professor said:
Few are as transmissible. Lockdown was too late. Could have been shorter
The effects of lockdown will be felt for many years to come, in terms of increased deaths and mental health issues.

There should have been advice to shield if you were in a high risk group as for the rest life should have carried on as normal.

Not sure about ‘carried on as normal’ but I agree to an extent. Joris The Clown and his merry bunch of thieves and snake oil salesmen should have done so much better. Protect the vulnerable, hard and fast localised lockdowns, universal basic income and subsidies for businesses that were forced to close all bundled up with test, test, test, track and trace and we would have seen far better mortality rates and not tanked the economy foe a generation.
controversial_jack said:
Dgt73 said:
And we don’t lockdown society for other serious infections. Lockdown was a huge mistake

Cases have been rising since we eased up, so obviously, lockdown worked.

It didn't really work though did it? It was too late for that sort of lockdown. People will die for many years as a result of it so it can be argued that the virus is responsible for many more deaths. By your reckoning it worked because the numbers of infections are rising post lockdwown but what about the death numbers? Everyone praised New Zealand - lockdown worked a treat, then they eased it and shat the bed. Sweden had a more measured approach which didn't kill their economy or restrict civil liberties and their comparative figures are no worse than any lockdown country. You still have to deal with it when you come out.
Itchysphincter said:
It didn't really work though did it? It was too late for that sort of lockdown. People will die for many years as a result of it so it can be argued that the virus is responsible for many more deaths. By your reckoning it worked because the numbers of infections are rising post lockdwown but what about the death numbers? Everyone praised New Zealand - lockdown worked a treat, then they eased it and shat the bed. Sweden had a more measured approach which didn't kill their economy or restrict civil liberties and their comparative figures are no worse than any lockdown country. You still have to deal with it when you come out.

In the absence of a vaccine all a lockdown can do is delay, which was what was originally suggested. The whole thing was sold as "flattening the curve" from day one. Protect the NHS. Now people seem to think they can be implemented indefinitely until the virus is gone. Newsflash: The virus isn't going anywhere.

New Zealand's job in locking down a sparsely populated country far from major travel routes in the middle of their summer when respiratory viruses generally spread less was relatively easy, if oddly overpraised. Not a great surprise to see increased cases both there and in Australia. Both nations are going to have ongoing problems dealing with International travel.
Cooperman said:
controversial_jack said:
It has increased certainly, but not as much as that.Testing can only be done if those come forward. I often wonder how ppl who can't drive can get tested as the testing sites are few and far between

I had my test delivered to the front door. A day later someone collected it. I don’t think I got out of my pyjamas in the interim.

Not sure i could do it myself. sticking a probe right up the hooter and back of the throat.Apparently, if it's not done thoroughly it's worthless
Cooperman said:
BanosSwan said:
Lazy bstard ;)

Is that you, love?

Was actually offered a job doing this during the six weeks I've been off work. Turned it down to but actually sounds like it was easy money.
Dr. Winston said:
Itchysphincter said:
It didn't really work though did it? It was too late for that sort of lockdown. People will die for many years as a result of it so it can be argued that the virus is responsible for many more deaths. By your reckoning it worked because the numbers of infections are rising post lockdwown but what about the death numbers? Everyone praised New Zealand - lockdown worked a treat, then they eased it and shat the bed. Sweden had a more measured approach which didn't kill their economy or restrict civil liberties and their comparative figures are no worse than any lockdown country. You still have to deal with it when you come out.

In the absence of a vaccine all a lockdown can do is delay, which was what was originally suggested. The whole thing was sold as "flattening the curve" from day one. Protect the NHS. Now people seem to think they can be implemented indefinitely until the virus is gone. Newsflash: The virus isn't going anywhere.

New Zealand's job in locking down a sparsely populated country far from major travel routes in the middle of their summer when respiratory viruses generally spread less was relatively easy, if oddly overpraised. Not a great surprise to see increased cases both there and in Australia. Both nations are going to have ongoing problems dealing with International travel.
New Zealand still has cities and towns with large populations.The Uk is something like the 50th most densely populated country, yet we had it far worse than NZ did, so that argument isn't valid. Admittedly, NZ isn't as big an air traffic hub as the Uk is, but they stopped all air traffic in and locked down much earlier and stricter. Once they started to open back up again they had a few more cases, but they swiftly dealt with them.It shows what good leadership can do in a crisis.Unfortunately, we had virtually no leadership or guidance and lives of British ppl have been lost in big numbers because of their negligence.
controversial_jack said:
New Zealand still has cities and towns with large populations.The Uk is something like the 50th most densely populated country, yet we had it far worse than NZ did, so that argument isn't valid. Admittedly, NZ isn't as big an air traffic hub as the Uk is, but they stopped all air traffic in and locked down much earlier and stricter. Once they started to open back up again they had a few more cases, but they swiftly dealt with them.It shows what good leadership can do in a crisis.Unfortunately, we had virtually no leadership or guidance and lives of British ppl have been lost in big numbers because of their negligence.

New Zealand's largest city is half the size of Birmingham, with a population density about a third less and a BAME proportion significantly lower. It's easy to stop all International traffic when there's relatively little of it. As a nation they have an extra 20,000k sq of room and a population 55m lower to fit into it. I note you have no response to the seasonal issue either.

The UK Goverment has badlly bodged the response to Covid (although IMO for a number of reasons different to those most believe) but the belief that the Kiwis have done an exceptional job just doesn't wash when you look at the differing levels of difficulty faced. They've done what they had to well, but relatively they didn't have all that much to do.
Auckland has a population of 1.7 million which is about that of Prague or Budapest, and considerably larger than any UK city outside of London, although maybe not their urban areas.

If we were going by population density, the Uk is well down the list and yet we are one of the worse.That argument doesn't wash at all.

NZ doesn't have the amount of travellers that the UK does, but that could have been equalised if we had stopped most of that, but we didn't.

The point being, govt policy and enforcement made all the difference.They were strict, we were negligent.It really is that simple.The blame lies entirely with our govt.Their negligence has made a bad situation far worse than it should have been.
controversial_jack said:
Auckland has a population of 1.7 million which is about that of Prague or Budapest, and considerably larger than any UK city outside of London, although maybe not their urban areas.

If we were going by population density, the Uk is well down the list and yet we are one of the worse.That argument doesn't wash at all.

NZ doesn't have the amount of travellers that the UK does, but that could have been equalised if we had stopped most of that, but we didn't.

The point being, govt policy and enforcement made all the difference.They were strict, we were negligent.It really is that simple.The blame lies entirely with our govt.Their negligence has made a bad situation far worse than it should have been.

Our goverrnment was completely negligent, I can agree with you on that but comparing us to NZ is like comparing apples and oranges. They had far less to do and they still have huge problems. Battening down the hatches doesn't make the virus disappear.
Itchysphincter said:
controversial_jack said:
Auckland has a population of 1.7 million which is about that of Prague or Budapest, and considerably larger than any UK city outside of London, although maybe not their urban areas.

If we were going by population density, the Uk is well down the list and yet we are one of the worse.That argument doesn't wash at all.

NZ doesn't have the amount of travellers that the UK does, but that could have been equalised if we had stopped most of that, but we didn't.

The point being, govt policy and enforcement made all the difference.They were strict, we were negligent.It really is that simple.The blame lies entirely with our govt.Their negligence has made a bad situation far worse than it should have been.

Our goverrnment was completely negligent, I can agree with you on that but comparing us to NZ is like comparing apples and oranges. They had far less to do and they still have huge problems. Battening down the hatches doesn't make the virus disappear.

It did for NZ until they allowed Brits to fly into the country
controversial_jack said:
Itchysphincter said:
Our goverrnment was completely negligent, I can agree with you on that but comparing us to NZ is like comparing apples and oranges. They had far less to do and they still have huge problems. Battening down the hatches doesn't make the virus disappear.

It did for NZ until they allowed Brits to fly into the country

The UK cannot be compared to NZ even though, without a doubt, Ardern has done a better job then any of our governments. They have been pretty isolated from any virus hotspot. Even though China is a major trading partner they are nowhere near as well connect as us.

They are 2000 miles, over an ocean, from their nearest neighbour; who until recently didn't have much of an outbreak. Whereas we are a driveable distance from areas of Spain and Italy that were hotspots and had tens of thousands of British citizens on holiday in those areas at that time. I think the UK has 9 million plane seats between here and Italy each year.

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