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t Thank you to all the American investors


Reserve Team Player
Jul 29, 2020
Reaction score
.Due to your lack of involvement in Swansea City.
You have now cost yourselves a fortune. You had no belief or interest in our club whatsoever.
and because of that you have thrown away the chance of the premiership. HOPE YOU ARE ALL HAPPY. ;) :mrgreen: :geek:
Couldn't even be bothered to drag thier fat American asses over for the final...
Says it all.

Fuç em
If they had been really interested they would have found a replacement for Brewster. Have been crying out for a proper goal scoring forward all season. Can't defend Hourihane at all , he's been mostly garbage since he came but can't help wondering if Brentford with their attacking philosophy may have been able to get a tune out of him.
Opray and her band of investors have more interest in Harry and Megan than Swansea City . :eek: :evil:
The football club we all love is owned by an offshore collective, based thousands of miles away, that blatantly regard us as an entity to extract funds from when available. Even before Covid they could hardly be arsed to visit us to show a slightest degree of interest. I suppose we have to put up with the twa#s for now. Cnts!!
BrynCartwright said:
The football club we all love is owned by an offshore collective, based thousands of miles away, that blatantly regard us as an entity to extract funds from when available. Even before Covid they could hardly be arsed to visit us to show a slightest degree of interest. I suppose we have to put up with the twa#s for now. c***s!!

Not forgetting the pricks that sold to them of course.
Swimming against the tide a bit, and believe me I don’t like my club being owned by a bunch of foreign chancers in an investment fund, but we could have a lot worse. They are not bankrupting us like so many others of their ilk do, they gave us cheap season tickets and that would have really hurt if we had turned up yesterday. They have ‘invested’ in players like Hourihane (not their fault he was atrocious, and Brewster, Gallagher etc before him). It takes a while to build a moneyball operation and that’s what Scott is here for. As an investment fund no way will they Chuck good money after bad, and we wouldn’t want them to unless it was in a sustainable long term way. They will sell anything of value though (remember Dan James to Leeds). That is their compulsion. The goal is presumably to sell a debt free club to the next charlatan/s that can be conned into buying it, or to make the PL with the moneyball model like Brentford and then flip it. With a half decent manager, they might have made it yesterday.

My biggest worry is still that insane move to buy the ground. I think that is what eventually might take us down a bad road. We’ll never get the deal we had again there.

Of course they only turn up in the good times, and of course they don’t care about us as a football club. Neither does Tan with the Jerks. They are not fans. They are cold eyed businessmen of the red in tooth and claw kind. Anyone that has had experience of, say GE Capital, will know what I mean. I would think the last thing they really want is to own a non PL football club. It will be ‘interesting’ to see their next move, but to rail against them ‘splashing their cash’ any more than they have...well, may as well howl at the moon.

But don’t think there aren’t a lot worse waiting for us if they decide to cut their losses after parachutes now. That is the true legacy of Jenkins and his gang of c***s. We are perennially ‘in play’ and in danger of being attacked by the next shark. Just another football club divorced from its community by greed. Reputation trashed for money. Do they care? No.
monmouth said:
They are not bankrupting us like so many others of their ilk do.

You've just got to look at the kind of losses being reported elsewhere to see the situation we could easily end up in if the demands for more "Investment", "Backing", "Ambition" or whatever people want to call splurging money the club can't sustain on players are met.

The club has to be run on a sustainable, preferably self-financing basis. They're doing that now. I don't much care who owns us as long as that continues to be the case.

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