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The Clydach Murders

dickythorpe said:
Anyone can baffles us with scientific results.....how are we to know what the hell they are talking about?
They could be just telling lies and how convenient the timing of all this.

Nah no lies, independent scrutiny from independent forensics, outside police force along with final CCRC oversight/judgement! Or is it like Rosemary's Baby where every apartment resident belonged to a coven of witches? Some conspiracy to undertake here bearing in mind the disconnect and number of participants required to be both willing to partake and to remain silent about it afterwards!

Yep, the DNA of a known violent psycho-nutjob with history of a previous murder attempt involving bludgeoning weapon attack (along with other attacks) is found upon a murder scene sock that was forensically proved to have facilitated the Clydach murders.

Murderer Morris’s torn-off chain is also found in a pool of victim’s blood in the very room where murders took place, that along with other overwhelming-damning evidence should be cast aside? Should be deemed irrelevant (mere background noise?) so that convicted murderer Morris can be posthumously cleared because a bunch of people have read a semi-fiction book stuffed full of lies?

It’s the only book I’ve ever read that lied/misled facts about climactic guilty-verdict clinching evidence (collaborating phone records/witness statements) that proved that Mandy wasn’t even at her home and that Morris was never at her home at the time he said he had (he lied!) innocently left his chain there!

Nailed 100% guilty even without the DNA!

I seriously cannot fathom the man-child mindset of the losers and conspiracy theory basket cases that cannot process the bleeding-bloody-obvious that stands right before them!
dickythorpe said:
Someone's in a good mood🙄

Well I guess it won't be the 'reporter' forced to admit after last years abysmal BBC programme that Dai Morris is indeed the 'killer'. 1:00s in video... But there again he least had the humility, decency and grasp of reality to do so!
Look out, the Witchfinder General is out from under his rock :lol: :lol:
Darran said:

Thanks for that Darren! Your 'grown-up' contribution will be very much appreciated by Dawson/Power families along with others who have the empathy, compassion and knowledge regarding both the case and what those two families have actually been through.

Two trials, two juries, two judges, numerous failed CCRC appeals, CPS, independent forensics and independent outside police force findings/judgment along with previous/latest damning evidence have proved 100% that Morris is the murderer!

Other damning evidence aside?....The way the sock and chain evidence complement each other is the most profoundest of evidence-synergy i.e. one backs the other up perfectly.

BBC reporting that has blatantly told lies, along with a lying author that's had the endorsement and backing of conspiracy-cultists and 'innocence scam-campaigners' has shown just how far people will crawl in the gutter. Trying to get a 100% guilty murderer off and attempting to get that murderer wrongfully labelled innocent by means of telling blatant LIES?..... That says it all does it not!
It's mad to see more money being chucked at this case to make a program on a channel not many of us will have.
Some things don't make sense but it's done now.
Morris is dead and the old bill will never reveal if any of their own were involved.
dickythorpe said:
It's mad to see more money being chucked at this case to make a program on a channel not many of us will have.
Some things don't make sense but it's done now.
Morris is dead and the old bill will never reveal if any of their own were involved.

It’s because of conspiracy theorists and clowns like you that money has had to be spent on it, DICK
Clydachian said:
dickythorpe said:
It's mad to see more money being chucked at this case to make a program on a channel not many of us will have.
Some things don't make sense but it's done now.
Morris is dead and the old bill will never reveal if any of their own were involved.

It’s because of conspiracy theorists and clowns like you that money has had to be spent on it, DICK

Way too harsh a comment buddy, dicky makes decent comments without any mention of a conspiracy.
sainthelens said:
Clydachian said:
It’s because of conspiracy theorists and clowns like you that money has had to be spent on it, DICK

Way too harsh a comment buddy, dicky makes decent comments without any mention of a conspiracy.

I agree, some people on here jump up on their high horse faster than Frankie dettori
Clydachian said:
dickythorpe said:
It's mad to see more money being chucked at this case to make a program on a channel not many of us will have.
Some things don't make sense but it's done now.
Morris is dead and the old bill will never reveal if any of their own were involved.

It’s because of conspiracy theorists and clowns like you that money has had to be spent on it, DICK

The SKY stuff has been a year in the making and started close to the BBC farce. The timing says it all! So you are indeed absolutely bang on correct to assume that it is indeed a likely reactive response to Morris’s innocence campaign scam, susceptible/gullible conspiracy theorist nut-jobs, and subsequent media/press and public interest that the innocence campaign scam undoubtedly intended to fuel.

Bizarre that some are now complaining about some things that they had previously yearned and wished for i.e. DNA testing and media/press interest! Oh hang on, it's ended with yet another a catastrophic own goal failure and the conspiracy theorists have lost yet again!

Indeed an absolutely fantastic thing that the innocence campaign scam has backfired yet again! Just like with the campaign that started after Morris’s first trial, police were given the time and opportunity to investigate and prove Morris's undeniable GUILT even further!

Morris tried to wrong foot the prosecution at the first trial by LYING that he had left his chain at Mandy’s house on the Friday morning. Morris’s LIES were crafted with deliberate evil devious intent and blatant timing to deceive the jury i.e. He came out with the Mandy house LIES visit AFTER (that's not in the book is it hey!) the prosecution had closed its case! Staggering to think some believe that Morris was apparently too thick to be devious and cunning!

And yet again more LIES from the conspiracy-cult saying that the sock was re-tested after Morris had died and he was ‘fitted-up’. The sock testing started many months before Morris’s death and performed with neutrality/independence to high standards, professionalism and honesty to counteract the (as to be expected) LIES and conspiracy theories.

And like I stated before if campaigners/supporters have to LIE to prove Morris’s innocence? It just goes to show how guilty he must have been all along!
Clydachian said:
dickythorpe said:
It's mad to see more money being chucked at this case to make a program on a channel not many of us will have.
Some things don't make sense but it's done now.
Morris is dead and the old bill will never reveal if any of their own were involved.

It’s because of conspiracy theorists and clowns like you that money has had to be spent on it, DICK

You fucking idiot!
I couldn't give a flying fuck.
Self righteous twat.
dickythorpe said:
Clydachian said:
It’s because of conspiracy theorists and clowns like you that money has had to be spent on it, DICK

You f*****g idiot!
I couldn't give a flying f**k.
Self righteous twat.

You seem to be making a lot of friends lately Dick.

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