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The Clydach Murders

Yes exactly you weren't there, you are fond of telling others they weren't there but you weren't there also, you are also fond of telling others what they think, you don't know what others think.
I dont dispute 2 juries verdict you do. How do you know better than them.
Trampie said:
Yes exactly you weren't there, you are fond of telling others they weren't there but you weren't there also, you are also fond of telling others what they think, you don't know what others think.

Translation: I've been made to look stupid but won't back down/leave this thread quietly for some reason, so I'll throw my toys out of the pram instead.
JackSomething said:
Trampie said:
Yes exactly you weren't there, you are fond of telling others they weren't there but you weren't there also, you are also fond of telling others what they think, you don't know what others think.

Translation: I've been made to look stupid but won't back down/leave this thread quietly for some reason, so I'll throw my toys out of the pram instead.
Read the thread, personal attack after personal attack on me by exhmrc1 for holding a valid concern that lots of people hold, hence the fuss, books, TV programmes etc, he can have a bit back, he left the other site previously under a cloud because he was owned on this very topic .
Anyone with a brain knows Dai Morris was guilty as sin. His gold chain was found covered in blood on the grandmother's bedroom floor!!!! And his eventual excuse for this after lying consistently was that he left the chain there by accident on the Friday morning after having sex. Laughable excuse at best, made even more laughable by the fact that phone records prove that Dai Morris was in Mandy Jewell's house and that Mandy Powell was in Allison Lewis's house on the Friday morning. Case closed. Let's hope Satan is dragging him over hot coals in hell.
Trampie You talk utter rubbish and the reason I left the other site had nothing to do with this issue. Keith knows why as I told him and I will leave it beween me and Keith but it had nothing to do with the Clydach murders. It was my choice to get Keith to remove me whilst Keith tried to get me to stay. By the way your accusations of left under a cloud is totally false. Either prove it or apologise.
exhmrc1 said:
Trampie You talk utter rubbish and the reason I left the other site had nothing to do with this issue. Keith knows why as I told him and I will leave it beween me and Keith but it had nothing to do with the Clydach murders. It was my choice to get Keith to remove me whilst Keith tried to get me to stay. By the way your accusations of left under a cloud is totally false. Either prove it or apologise.
You won't say why, between you and Keith hey, you can just do one butt, you done it on the other site you think you can do personal dig after personal dig, once you start having it back you don't like, a bit like that Darran fella on here, gives it but can't take it.
Look I got fed up with the right wing agenda on there. Ask yourself they did a poll saying 11% would vote for Labour. In the end 40% voted for them. That speaks for itself. There were numerous posts. For example 1 poster suggested moving faciliities to Morriston Hospital from Cardiff for Geographical reasons to be nearer to Haverfordwest but didnt want it be placed in Mid Wales where it be equal distance for All Wales. People who want the Welsh NHS budget sending people in East Wales to Bristol thereby taking money out of the Welsh NHS. The anti assembly/ anti Labour/ Pro Tory agenda is something I had enough of. End of story. Now time for your apology.
You were owned on there, there has been no apology from you for your constant personal digs both on there and on here towards me, when are you going to apologise to me ?
I havent made personal digs at you. You choose to dispute the verdict of those present and heard the evidence. When you say owned what do you mean. Explain it. I got fed up with the right wing agenda as evidenced by the Assembly vote and fed up with arguing with people who claimed to want things placed in Swansea for so called geographical reasons when they didnt want geographical reasons for the rest of Wales. They only wanted what suited them.
By the way I suggest you ask Keith to confirm that I told him I wanted to be removed because of the right wing agenda. I messaged him twice.
Trampie said:
You were owned on there, there has been no apology from you for your constant personal digs both on there and on here towards me, when are you going to apologise to me ?

May I respectfully suggest that you return to the other forum if there are posters on here you dislike? Until you got personal, all I saw in this thread was exhmrc1 patiently and politely explaining why you were talking sh*t. Again.
JackSomething said:
Trampie said:
You were owned on there, there has been no apology from you for your constant personal digs both on there and on here towards me, when are you going to apologise to me ?

May I respectfully suggest that you return to the other forum if there are posters on here you dislike? Until you got personal, all I saw in this thread was exhmrc1 patiently and politely explaining why you were talking sh*t. Again.
You seen wrong then sh*g, he did it before on the other site and he started doing it again, I respectfully suggest you butt out.
exhmrc1 said:
And what evidence do you have of this. It was the same police that arrested the Lewis family. Had they not done that nobody would have been any the wiser. The fact is the juries didnt believe Morris and those in court found him to be a very unreliable witness. The jury were taken along the route he claimed he went. My sister lived on that road and I stayed there sometimes looking after my mother on Saturdays. I have seen the traffic passing between 11.30 and 12 and yet nobody saw Morris on that route. It is about 5 miles there and 4 miles back after an all day drinking session. I dont believe that. Neither do I believe that 2 highly experienced coppers would have been walking up a road that had traffic passing or that 1 somehow then walked back 4 hours after the murder along a little used mountain road. If the Lewis brothers had done this I am pretty certain they would have covered their tracks better than this.

The chain found at the house matched the paint from Morris house. He constantly denied it was his until the prosecution declared their evidence to the defence pre trial. He even had a relative buy a similar chain to get rid of suspicion. It was only when he was confronted with the evidence he changed his story and said he left it there the night before when he had sex with Mandy which is something Mandy's family and friend's totally dispute.

The bottom line is that the people who heard the evidence believe him guilty and they believed it beyond reasonable doubt or they would have acquitted him. 2 unanimous verdicts with not a single dissenter. They were in possession of the facts. We arent.

As far as Clydach people are concerned how many actually know the Lewis family. They are not from the locality. The brothers are from Ystradgynlais and the woman somewhere near the Caerphilly. All they have to go on is press reports just like you and probably anti police bias like you.
Start of your nonsense, accusing me of anti police bias, I have two close family members in the police.
exhmrc1 said:
Perhaps we better get rid of our legal system and have trial by Trampie and books instead. Let everyone go around committing crimes at will. We have a legal system for a reason and you werent there so didnt see him give evidence and all other issues yet you believe people who havent been questioned. Just 2 examples. He was proven to have lied in court. The woman who did the Efit was found out. Did your book tell you that. Why didnt the BBC question or look into the guys who supposedly saw the Lewis family.
Here is the next one "Perhaps we better get rid of our legal system and have trial by Trampie and books instead".

You then say "Did your book tell you that", what book ?, I've never read a book on the topic.

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