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The Rooney / Vardy Case


Roger Freestone
Jun 23, 2020
Reaction score
A garage in Canoga Park
Read this thread.
Vardy took Rooney to court mind.
F*cking hell. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I am finding it hilarious. I don’t like any of these celeb type programmes and people fawning over fake-celebs. But wIth all the really bad news in the World, incl cost of living etc, this is now brightening up the news for me.

From what I can see, I’m amazed RV is the one who has brought the case, she may not have been the leak/source, not for me to comment, but with what has come out, she hasn't covered herself in glory. OK some lawyers are getting more rich, but more fool for this case going this far. Apart from what was said about Peter Andre, whether true or not. Poor old Peter.
Anyone know of they're paying their own costs or their husbands are ? Don't think we'd have heard of either if they hadn't married them.
WxmJax said:
Anyone know of they're paying their own costs or their husbands are ? Don't think we'd have heard of either if they hadn't married them.

Absolutely. Clearly not very intelligent women who seem to think that marrying rich celebrities also makes them celebrities and gives them a hugely over inflated opinion of their own self importance to the point that they believe everything they do is newsworthy. It doesn't, it makes them cringeworthy and a laughing stock. Wayne & Jamie must squirm at every turn of this pathetic, childish girlie spat. 🤮
WxmJax said:
Anyone know of they're paying their own costs or their husbands are ? Don't think we'd have heard of either if they hadn't married them.

Well that’s another sad thing isn’t it that both women have been payed well in their own right just because of who their husbands are.
If you get my drift?

Mind some people who aren’t remotely interested in this story can’t stop talking about it. :lol:
Darran said:
WxmJax said:
Anyone know of they're paying their own costs or their husbands are ? Don't think we'd have heard of either if they hadn't married them.

Well that’s another sad thing it all isn’t it that both women have been payed well in their own right just because of who their husbands are.
If you get my drift?

Mind some people who aren’t remotely interested in this story can’t stop talking about it. :lol:

If you get my drift ? It sounds like it's been Google translated from English to Icelandic to Welsh and then back to English again 🤪

Anyway, if someone thinks that either of these two ladies would have got where they are on their own merits if they hadn't married two high profile England footballers I have an oven ready brexit deal to sell you. Not sure either of them have been earning £100k + a week for years either.

It happens the other way around as well with famous celebrity women.
karnataka said:
WxmJax said:
Anyone know of they're paying their own costs or their husbands are ? Don't think we'd have heard of either if they hadn't married them.

Absolutely. Clearly not very intelligent women who seem to think that marrying rich celebrities also makes them celebrities and gives them a hugely over inflated opinion of their own self importance to the point that they believe everything they do is newsworthy. It doesn't, it makes them cringeworthy and a laughing stock. Wayne & Jamie must squirm at every turn of this pathetic, childish girlie spat. 🤮

This 100%
Although if Jamie Vardy and or Wayne Rooney had any of their own self awareness they'd have had this kicked into to touch before anyone else had noticed let alone allowed it to go to any court , I think most of us would have stopped all this shit if it was our Mrs's. Fuking ridiculously laughable.
Niigata Jack said:
karnataka said:
Absolutely. Clearly not very intelligent women who seem to think that marrying rich celebrities also makes them celebrities and gives them a hugely over inflated opinion of their own self importance to the point that they believe everything they do is newsworthy. It doesn't, it makes them cringeworthy and a laughing stock. Wayne & Jamie must squirm at every turn of this pathetic, childish girlie spat. 🤮

This 100%
Although if Jamie Vardy and or Wayne Rooney had any of their own self awareness they'd have had this kicked into to touch before anyone else had noticed let alone allowed it to go to any court , I think most of us would have stopped all this s**t if it was our Mrs's. Fuking ridiculously laughable.

Absolutely, I can’t believe neither of them said, hang on a minute….but as you say probably no self awareness.

Did see a cracking comment on Twitter which said something like “we know if these two weren’t married to footballers, it would have been settled outside spoons, after jaegar bombs, stopping only when one of their t*ts fell out” good analysis I thought!
Swan85 said:
Niigata Jack said:
This 100%
Although if Jamie Vardy and or Wayne Rooney had any of their own self awareness they'd have had this kicked into to touch before anyone else had noticed let alone allowed it to go to any court , I think most of us would have stopped all this s**t if it was our Mrs's. Fuking ridiculously laughable.

Absolutely, I can’t believe neither of them said, hang on a minute….but as you say probably no self awareness.

Did see a cracking comment on Twitter which said something like “we know if these two weren’t married to footballers, it would have been settled outside spoons, after jaegar bombs, stopping only when one of their t*ts fell out” good analysis I thought!

Yeah, someone sent that to me, think Vardy got silicon ones though :lol: :lol: :lol:
Swan85 said:
Niigata Jack said:
This 100%
Although if Jamie Vardy and or Wayne Rooney had any of their own self awareness they'd have had this kicked into to touch before anyone else had noticed let alone allowed it to go to any court , I think most of us would have stopped all this s**t if it was our Mrs's. Fuking ridiculously laughable.

Absolutely, I can’t believe neither of them said, hang on a minute….but as you say probably no self awareness.

Did see a cracking comment on Twitter which said something like “we know if these two weren’t married to footballers, it would have been settled outside spoons, after jaegar bombs, stopping only when one of their t*ts fell out” good analysis I thought!

When you say neither of them Vardy took Rooney to court.
Just saying.
Darran said:
Swan85 said:
Absolutely, I can’t believe neither of them said, hang on a minute….but as you say probably no self awareness.

Did see a cracking comment on Twitter which said something like “we know if these two weren’t married to footballers, it would have been settled outside spoons, after jaegar bombs, stopping only when one of their t*ts fell out” good analysis I thought!

When you say neither of them Vardy took Rooney to court.
Just saying.
I know that! But I still can’t believe that two blokes who played football together didn’t think how this would look in the court of public opinion, for either of them.
Swan85 said:
Darran said:
When you say neither of them Vardy took Rooney to court.
Just saying.
I know that! But I still can’t believe that two blokes who played football together didn’t think how this would look in the court of public opinion, for either of them.

Yes fair point though it looks like Mrs Rooney is going to look good and Mrs Vardy is going to look like a complete and utter c*nt. :lol:
Darran said:
Swan85 said:
I know that! But I still can’t believe that two blokes who played football together didn’t think how this would look in the court of public opinion, for either of them.

Yes fair point though it looks like Mrs Rooney is going to look good and Mrs Vardy is going to look like a complete and utter c*nt. :lol:
Absolutely, thats my take on it is as well. After couple of days evidence (think it was Jon Sopel) said on twitter - and to think RV is the one who brought this case! 🤣
Swan85 said:
Darran said:
Yes fair point though it looks like Mrs Rooney is going to look good and Mrs Vardy is going to look like a complete and utter c*nt. :lol:
Absolutely, thats my take on it is as well. After couple of days evidence (think it was Jon Sopel) said on twitter - and to think RV is the one who brought this case! 🤣

Bonkers. :lol:


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